Alessandro Adamou to serve as UK ambassador for the European Linked Data Contest

KMi researcher Alessandro Adamou has been appointed as representative for the United Kingdom in the upcoming European Linked Data Contest.

The ELDC is a fringe event of the SEMANTiCS 2016 international conference on semantic systems, to be held in Leipzig during September 12-15, 2016. After the success of last year’s edition, this initiative once more seeks to gather the top European talents of Linked Data and Semantic Web, by having them present their innovative projects, products and industry implementations involving linked data. This year’s edition will award the two categories of Linked Open Data and Linked Enterprise Data, with a cash prize of €1,500 to the winner in each category.

Much in the vein of the inspiring Eurovision Song Contest, there will be one finalist from each country to compete in the pan-European contest. The finalist for the UK will be chosen by Alessandro upon consultation with his internal team, then the ELDC jury will vote on the two winning projects to be announced on September 13.

In the words of the contest organisers, the ELDC envisages to build a directory of the best European projects in the domain of Linked Data and the Semantic Web, which ensures excellent visibility even to those projects that were not to win or make it to the finals.

The contest is still accepting submissions for the whole month of August.

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