KMi welcomes Director-designate John Domingue

We’re pleased to announce that Professor John Domingue has been appointed as KMi’s 4th Director since its founding in 1995. John will be taking up his post in August this year, when the current Director steps down. Today KMiers welcomed this appointment with a gathering to celebrate with a slice of cake and a bit of bubbly.

Professor Domingue is one of KMi’s early pioneers, having joined the lab when it was set up twenty years ago. He arrived at The Open University in 1983 and was supervised by KMi’s founder Marc Eisenstadt, and has already been acting as Deputy Director for many years.
“Having worked in KMi since it was conceived I have seen the lab go from strength to strength under the leadership of its three Directors. I am really looking forward to taking on this role and leading KMi in this very exciting time of Big Data and Data Science further enhancing the OU’s signature reputation in the Knowledge Media domain.”
After twenty years of service to The Open University, KMi’s current Director, Professor Peter Scott will be moving on to shores new in Australia this summer – to become Assistant Deputy Vice Chancellor at the University of Technology, Sydney. Lifting a glass of Champange for John’s appointment, Professor Scott said "We have much to celebrate in the success of knowledge media research over these last 20 years, but yet more exciting is the new generation of KMi researchers that John will lead".

The KMi team is planning "a significant knowledge media event" for 20th May 2015, being our 20th Birthday. "Save the date, and watch this space" said Director designate Domingue!


Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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