John Domingue

ClaiMaker released

The first version of ClaiMaker has now been released for interested parties to begin modelling and visualizing their literatures. ClaiMaker is a prototype next generation technology for scholarly publishing. It enables researchers to model the claims made by research documents, and the arguments/debates about those claims. Visualization and analysis tools enable you to navigate and…

Chief Scientist Faces Paxman on Newsnight

Marc Eisenstadt appeared live on Newsnight on Wednesday the 10th of July. His invitation followed a letter to the Guardian on the sacking of two Israeli academics from the editorial board of a Journal and the boycott of Israeli academia led by Steven Rose. Steven Rose was unable to make the programme but appeared in…

Chief Scientist Faces Paxman on Newsnight

Marc Eisenstadt appeared live on Newsnight on Wednesday the 10th of July. His invitation followed a letter to the Guardian on the sacking of two Israeli academics from the editorial board of a Journal and the boycott of Israeli academia led by Steven Rose. Steven Rose was unable to make the programme but appeared in…

KMDI Visits KMi

Gale Moore and Andrew Clement from the Knowledge Media Design Institute at the University of Toronto came to visit KMi today. Gale and Andrew were visiting us as part of a European fact finding mission in the context of their research project "Institutionalising Interdisciplinary Innovation in Universities: The Emergent Field of Knowledge Media Design."

AKT-0 Workshop a Success

Over the last three days members of the Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) consortium attended a workshop in KMi to construct ‘AKT-0’. AKT-0 is a preliminary experiment to explore what types of web based knowledge services can be offered by integrating existing tools within the consortium. KMi Planet and KMi’s library of associated knowledge models provided…

Alice Launches New E-Commerce Project

Today saw the launch of Alice – a joint E-Commerce venture between KMi and the Icelandic Internet company INNN. The goal of this project is to make internet shopping a personalised experience – like visiting a traditional local corner store where customer specific recommendations and advice are given. Building on existing KMi knowledge and web…

KMi Hat-Trick in National Press

Three KMi related stories appeared today in the Open Eye supplement of the Independent newspaper. The first story described how the new £7million AKT project would allow organisations to share knowledge effectively amongst collaborating workers. This project will use a number of KMi knowledge and web technologies which have been developed in previous EU funded…

£7M Advanced Knowledge Technologies Project Underway

KMi today welcomed the full project team of the EPSRC-sponsored Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) Project. AKT is one of the select EPSRC Interdisciplinary Research Centres, funded for 6 years and a total project cost of �7M. The project begins formally on 1st October 2000, with today’s meeting helping to establish the full ‘modus operandi’. The…

CINners launched from KMi

Meeting at KMi, a group of innovators piloted Open Book as the new communications medium to facilitate the Central Innovation Network – a virtual community linking Cambridge and Oxford regions. The need for an active centre for the economic powerhouse of our region, is currently exercising the Open University, Cranfield, Rowsell Research and Oxford Innovation….

EPSRC funds ScholOnto

The UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council has just awarded a 3 year project grant to the ScholOnto Project. As part of the Distributed Information Management Programme, this project will provide a Research Fellow and Java Developer to build the public version of a system that has been under small scale prototyping and development…