The annual General Assembly of EA-TEL e.V., the European Association for Technology-Enhanced Learning, has seen an exciting line-up of new special interest groups: the SIG TEA (co-lead by Denise Whitelock of the Open University) deals with technology-enhanced assessment and SIG OpenScout cares for OER in business and management education.
The annual meeting was also used to announce the 9th joint doctoral summer school in TEL, which is to take place in Limassol, Cyprus, from May 27-31, 2013. "We’re very glad to be able to prefinance activities such as our annual doctoral summer school – thanks to our members", says Fridolin Wild of KMi, treasurer of the association. The Open University is a founding member of EA-TEL e.V.
The assembly took place at the annual research conference EC-TEL, Sep 18-21, Saarbruecken, Germany.
In the picture (left to right):
Kathrine Maillet (president of EA-TEL e.V.), Carlos Delgado Kloos (background, general chair EC-TEL conference 2012), Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (Minister President of the Saarland, Germany), Fridolin Wild (KMi, treasurer of EA-TEL e.v.)
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