Enrico Motta

Abbey to support Ainhoa’s research

Ainhoa Llorente, one of KMi’s PhD students, has been awarded funding for 12 months from Abbey, one of the largest UK banks and part of the Banco Santander group, to continue her research on automated image annotation. Her doctoral work, which is supervised by Profs Stefan Rueger and Enrico Motta, aims to improve the quality…

Marta Sabou goes off on maternity leave

Today KMi-ers celebrated the last day at work of Marta Sabou, before she goes off on maternity leave. She was "ambushed" by a suprise celebration, during which she was presented with gifts for her and the baby. To Marta go the warmest wishes from all the members of KMi. All the very best!!!

Victoria is a Star!

Last week a plenary meeting of the X-media consortium was held in Orbassano, near Turin, at Centro Ricerche Fiat (CRF). X-Media is a 13M Euros EC-sponsored Integrated Project, which focuses on developing methods and tools for effectively acquiring, integrating, and managing information extracted from different media. KMi plays a key role in the project, contributing…

Marta is one of "AI Ten to Watch"

Marta Sabou, who joined KMi last November, has been chosen as one of the top ten young AI researchers in the world, to be included in a “AI Ten to Watch” article, which will be featured in a special issue of IEEE Intelligent Systems, one of the top magazines in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The publication…

AKT Group Meeting 2005

Members and students, from five universities from around the UK, gathered in KMi for their annual AKT project meeting 14-16th June 2005. The AKT project aims to develop the next generation of knowledge technologies to support organizational knowledge management.

MnM Released

The first version of MnM is now available for download at http://kmi.open.ac.uk/projects/akt/MnM. MnM supports the process of annotating web pages with semantic content, to create a semantic web. The tool provides a number of innnovative features, including both automated and semi-automated support for annotation. It integrates a web browser with an ontology editor and provides…

The AKT begins…..KMI awarded £1.2M by EPSRC

KMi has been awarded 1.2M by the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council to carry out research in the application of knowledge technologies to support knowledge creation and sharing in organizations. This highly prestigious award has been obtained in the context of the EPSRC Programme on Interdisciplinary Research Collaborations centred on Information Technology.The project…

Euro-Award for KMI

KMI has been awarded 22,500 Ecu from the European Commission to carry out research in the area of knowledge-based systems. This grant will fund a pilot study on the development of an intelligent brokering service which will enable third party knowledge-component reuse through the World-Wide Web. The total budget for the project – called IBROW3…

KEML ’97 Success

Last month we held the Knowledge Engineering Methods and Languages (KEML ’97) workshop here at the Open University. For information about the event, conference photos, and related sites, see: KEML home KEML-97 Schedule Conference poster Call for papers Conference attendee photos