Chris Valentine

Learn About Fair 2017, but with a difference!

  The Learn about Fair 2017 (LAF 2017) came back this year at the OU yesterday bringing something new to the table focusing around the theme of ‘Personalised Open Learning’. KMi participated as an exhibitor showing neat projects for future innovation in teaching and learning; AR/VR developments, Green Data & OU Analyse. Paul Hogan, in the…

OU receives new grant to make education more inclusive

The Open University (OU) is leading a £480,050 project funded by the Higher Education Funding Council in England, to address barriers to student success. In collaboration with the University of Leeds and Plymouth University, Dr Trevor Collins, Research Fellow in the OU’s Knowledge Media Institute, is initiating the ‘Embedding and sustaining inclusive STEM practices’ project….

KMi’s Blockchain Group visits JISC

All members of KMi’s blockchain group visited Jisc’s London offices yesterday for a workshop on the use of blockchain technology in higher education, specifically in tracking a student’s learning history. After a presentation by department director John Domingue, demonstrations of some of our research ‘Ðapps‘ were given by Michelle Bachler (reputation), Kevin Quick (course registration)…

Book reaches top charts: Responsive Open Learning Environments

A book co-edited by Alexander Mikroyannidis has reached the top Springer download charts. Since its online publication on November 2014, there has been a total of 28,033 chapter downloads of the book on SpringerLink. This means that the book has been one of the top 25% most downloaded eBooks in the relevant Springer eBook Collection…

Stadium Live supports Digital Innovation Workshop

KMi’s Stadium Live technology was used this week to support remote attendees to a STEM workshop on digital innovation, held in the Hub Theatre and hosted by Patrick Mcandrew (Director, IET), Doug Clow (IET), Hazel Rymer (acting PVC, (Learning and Teaching) and Andrew Law (Director, Open Media Unit). Initial ideas were prompted in response to…


Every year the World Wide Web Conference provides an opportunity for many researchers from both academy and industry to discuss about topics that are centred around the World Wide Web. In its 25th edition, which took place in Montreal (CA) from 11th to 15th of April 2016, more than a thousand people from 55 countries joined together to present progress in…

Driving a car – with just your mind

KMi researchers sometimes get to do some pretty strange things and this week project officer Chris Valentine got the chance to be one of the first people in the world to drive a car using just the power of thought. "Technicians working for insurance comparison website combined the very latest in commercial electroencephalogram (EEG)…

Secondary pupils present three ‘urban inquiries’ projects created through weSPOT at the International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation

Seven secondary pupils and two Science Educators represented Stantonbury School at the ICTPI 2015 international conference today. They presented three urban inquiries on: Energy Consumption, Electric Cars and Solar panels. "Urban Inquiries" is an initiative coordinated by the Knowledge Media Institute, supported by Ale Okada, Alex Mikroyannidis and Annika Wolff. Its aim is to help educators…

KMi approach to wearable-enhanced learning presented to EC

The annual performance review of the TELLME project last week in Luxembourg saw KMi present work on learning by doing with a wearable, mixed reality job performance aid to the European Commission. Innovation and technological advances in manufacturing  created a skills gap across the globe, shifting demand for human labour from robotizable production jobs to the…

International Joint Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning EC-TEL and Knowledge Technologies and data-driven Business I-KNOW

KMi had an impressive participation in the EC-TEL and I-KNOW conferences including  eleven KMi researchers responsible for six presentations and four papers. This joint event took place in Graz, Austria, September 16-19, 2014.  The key themes were open learning and teaching in educational communities as well as  the integration of data-centric and user-centric approaches.  In EC-TEL: Fridolin Wild, Alex Mikroyannidis…