The LinkedUp project first-year outcomes were met with outstanding acclaim from the European Commission review that’s just in.
LinkedUp is an EU FP7 support action that promotes the adoption, spread and exploitation of Linked Open Data for the benefit of organisations and institutions in the educational domain, and then some. A key partner in the LinkedUp consortium, the KMi has the lead on providing and maintaining the Linked Education Cloud, a data hub that serves as a catalogue of, and access point to, 35+ Linked Data providers in the educational domain, the OU itself being one. In addition, with developer challenges being a key community activation action in the project, the KMi also provides technical support to educational application developers with an interest in Linked Data.
The year one review event took place in Luxembourg in January 2014. With an overall rating stating "Excellent progress" for this year, the EC has highlighted KMi-provided features such as the catalog browser and automated information extraction functionalities.
Since the review, the Linked Education Cloud has evolved to include further data endpoints and features such as pattern detection in data URIs. With that spirit, the LinkedUp consortium proceeds to lead the project to a fitting conclusion in late 2014.
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