Visit to KMI by Shadow Technology Minister

Today Mr Adam Ingram, MP and Dr Phyllis Starkey visited the the Open University to explore its leading edge research in science and technology. After an initial meeting with Sir John Daniel (Vice-Chancellor) they were taken on tours of Science and Technology, the BBC OU Production centre and the university’s Knowledge Media Institute. In the visit to Science and Technology they discussed the pioneering work of the OU with Professor Alan Bassindale, Dean of Faculty of Science and Dr. Mike Meade, Dean of Faculty of Technology. In the BBC centre Mr Paul Manners, Multi Media Co-ordinator, gave them a short tour of the Multi Media Unit where the BBC is developing an exciting range of programmes to support and enhance OU course materials. In the Knowledge Media Insitute they were given a tour

by Professor Marc Eisenstadt, Dr. Paul Mulholland, and Mr Chris Valentine.

Full story.


Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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