Technology: Watson

<p>Exploring the Semantic Web</p>

Book on Intelligent Semantic Web Systems published

A new book written by KMiers Mathieu d’Aquin and Enrico Motta has just been published by Morgan and Claypool publishers, in the series "The Semantic Web: Theory and Technology". This book entitled "The Epistemology of Intelligent Semantic Web Systems" is a reflection of the evolution of the Semantic Web, a young discipline in comparison to other areas…

KMi alone covers a quarter of IST FP6 Showcase

Knowledge Media Institute was honoured to be included among a handful of leading European institutes invited to the Framework 6 (FP6) Showcase Event, which took place on 12-13 December in Luxembourg. Out of eight invitations, two went directly to projects headed by KMi researchers: John Domingue (Scientific Director of the SUPER project) and Martin Dzbor…

Watson: Elementary Version Released

The first version of Watson, the Gateway to the Semantic Web, has just been made publicly available. Watson is a tool and an infrastructure that aims at supporting the development of a new generation of semantic web applications, which can dynamically select, combine and exploit the growing amount of semantic data and ontologies available online….