Technology: KMi Planet

<p>Online Newspaper</p>

AKT-0 Workshop a Success

Over the last three days members of the Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) consortium attended a workshop in KMi to construct ‘AKT-0’. AKT-0 is a preliminary experiment to explore what types of web based knowledge services can be offered by integrating existing tools within the consortium. KMi Planet and KMi’s library of associated knowledge models provided…

Telephone Planet!!

Forget about reading news on your WAP phone. Roving KMi reporters can now phone their stories directly to Planet, thanks to a custom gateway built by John Domingue and Peter Scott. This means that breaking news can be dictated straight down the phone line, whereupon it is formatted for KMi Planet and made available instantly…

KMi Technologies in Santiago, Chile

The early part of this month saw the demonstration of a number of KMi technologies to the Chilean Higher Eduction Council during their international seminar on New Technologies for Teaching, Learning and Management in Higher Education held in Santiago, Chile. KMi was invited to give a presentation because of the high prestige in which the…

Construction of UfI Observatory Begins

Yesterday saw the first public viewing of a number of web-based services, constructed collaboratively by KMI and IET’s International Centre for Distance Learning, which will form a significant part of the University for Industry’s National Observatory. By capturing, contextualising and semantically indexing best practice within EU funded ADAPT projects the observatory will provide a highly…

KMi Planet orbits Japan

John Domingue and Tamara Sumner presented papers at APCHI’98 (Asia Pacific Computer Human Interaction) held in Japan on 15-17th July. John presented a paper co-authored with Peter Scott about KMi’s intelligent news server, Planet – the system in which this news item is stored. Tamara presented a paper co-authored with KMi’s Simon Buckingham Shum on…