Project: CityLABS

<p>Research and Innovation in the Digital Economy</p>

KMi help launch the IWA report for Cardiff Capital Region

The Institute of Welsh Affairs is the leading think tank for the development and delivery of public initiatives that have real impact in Wales. IWA director, Auriol Miller, invited KMi’s Alan Fletcher to be part of the IWA Advisory Group that has just published “Our Smart Region”, a report on the Cardiff Capital Region City…

Digital DNA – KMi working with Smart Cities in Ireland

KMi joined colleagues from STEM and the OU in Ireland to present keynote and workshop presentations at Ireland’s premier digital conference. Over two days in June, Digital DNA brought together 3,000 delegates from across a wide range of industries. KMi Business Development Manager, Alan Fletcher was on stage with Jamie Cudden from Smart Dublin and…

KMi at the European Robotics Forum

Ilaria Tiddi and Emanuele Bastianelli were among 800 top European experts who attended the European Robotics Forum (ERF2018) in Tampere, Finland on 13-15th March 2018.   Under the theme "Robots and Us", ERF2018 covered current societal and technical themes related to the field of robotics. Interesting subjects being featured include human-robot-collaboration and how robotics can improve…

Celebrations for Enrico Daga’s viva success!

Staff joined Enrico Daga, Senior Project Officer in KMi’s Data Science Group, to celebrate the successful defence of his PhD Thesis: "Knowledge Components and Methods for Policy Propagation in Data Flows”. The Thesis examines data-oriented systems and applications which are at the centre of current developments of the World Wide Web (WWW). On the Web…