Person: Peter Scott

<p>Peter Scott</p>

First Open University iBook now in Store

The first Open University interactive iBook title “Moon Rocks” was published into the Apple Book store last week (22 March). The Open University already has over 420 eBooks in our very popular iTunes U courses, but this iBook is the first to use Apple’s new interactive publishing system. Today the book has been featured by…

The Open University in the new iTunes U App released today

Live from your correspondent in New York at the Guggenheim Museum, Apple have just announced iBooks2, iBooks Author and the new iTunes U. The new-look iTunes U released by Apple today includes an innovative iTunes U app. The Open University was one of the showcase Universities in their recent launch – of the hundred courses…

eBook Futures: the publisher’s dilemma

On the 17/18th February 2011 in Brussels, Belgium, the EU Aspect Project ran a very well attended strategic seminar on ‘Educational Publishing Futures’ as a platform where Ministries of Education, publishers and ICT vendors could discuss the future of educational publishing and digital content for schools. KMi Director Peter Scott presented our work on ‘eBook…

Knowledge Media and Thai Cyber Learning

KMi Director, Peter Scott spent this week visiting with the Thai Cyber University Project courtesy of the Office of Higher Education Commission, Thailand. The visit involved a number of University visits, talks and meetings, and an excellent opportunity to experience some of the unique culture and heritage of this wonderful country. Monday 22nd November 2010…

New iTunes U site showcases the Open University

As it hits 300M downloads in its 3 years of life, iTunes U has now upgraded the site manager to allow a number of new features including comments, ratings and genius. For the Open University on iTunes U this means that we have had the chance to seriously upgrade our site, with a much stronger…

FM recordings now in iTunes

The newest release of the FlashMeeting project software on our main experimental server (which serves the European Association of Technology Enhanced Learning community EATEL) now produces podcast recordings of events that can be replayed in Apple’s iTunes and other podcast media browsers. Users have been able to use our new "groups" feature for some time…

Beyond Walls – STEEPLE Workshop

A team from the Open University joined colleagues from Oxford and Cambridge Universities and a large community of podcasters at the STEEPLE project workshop "Beyond Walls" at the Oxford University Said Business School on April 3rd 2009. Peter Scott, Ben Hawkridge and Laurian Gridinoc from KMi, with Nick Watson and Stuart Nixon from LTS were…

Visit of Minister of State for Higher Education and Innovation

David Lammy, the Minister of State for Higher Education and Innovation, visited the Open University on Thursday 26th of February. His visit was hosted in KMi, and he was shown work from a range of innovations and elearning projects including our iTunes U. work and the STELLAR Network of Excellence. Mr Lammy, the Member of…

ROLE – Responsive Open Learning Environments launched

KMi’s new 7th Framework project ROLE kicked off its work in a meeting on 2 – 3 March 2009, in Lausanne, Switzerland. ROLE is a project on Responsive Open Learning Environments and is intended to connect well with established OU work on OpenLearn, current work such as iCoper, and then to new initiatives such as…

STELLAR – The 7th Framework TEL Network

Delegates 16 European Universities met in KMi today to kick off the STELLAR Network of Excellence in Technology Enhanced learning, the effort of the leading institutions and projects in EU TEL to unify our diverse community. The work of STELLAR will focus on the Grand Challenge for TEL, via a series of capacity building instruments…