Beyond Walls – STEEPLE Workshop

A team from the Open University joined colleagues from Oxford and Cambridge Universities and a large community of podcasters at the STEEPLE project workshop "Beyond Walls" at the Oxford University Said Business School on April 3rd 2009. Peter Scott, Ben Hawkridge and Laurian Gridinoc from KMi, with Nick Watson and Stuart Nixon from LTS were the OU team at this event.

The Beyond Walls event was opened by Peter Scott with a talk on "New Channels to New Learners” which described some of the OU systems that we use to manage new media channels such as the Open University on iTunes U. In the afternoon session, the Open University’s Ben Hawkridge described some of the key technical systems we use in this work. In other talks, Peter Robinson (Oxford University) presented the Oxford view of open access to open content. Olaf Schulte, ETHZ (Switzerland) talked about the Opencast project and some of the open systems for podcasting that his University, and this new international project are now producing.

The STEEPLE project is working to capture some of the best practices of UK universities in podcasting.

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