Person: Paul Mulholland

<p>Paul Mulholland</p>

KMi at ESWC 2016!

As with past editions of the Extended Semantic Web Conference, the Thirteenth edition (ESWC2016), once again held in Anissaras, Crete, featured a significant KMi delegation and a host of former KMi-ers. Five researchers – Prof. John Domingue, Alessandro Adamou, Carlo Allocca, Mathieu d’Aquin and Hassan Saif – attended as KMi delegates, and even more contributed…

Another new Doctor in KMi

Yesterday, Gregoire Burel successfully passed his viva to become the forth new doctor in KMi this year! Greg’s thesis entitled ‘Community and thread methods for identifying best answers in online question answering communities’, introduces the concepts of qualitative and structural design in order to investigate if features derived from community questionnaires can enrich the understanding…

DECIPHER Project is Launched

Last week saw the kick-off meeting in Dublin for DECIPHER, a €4.2 million, 3 year research project supported by the European Union. The aim of DECIPHER is to develop and test technology that can be used by visitors and curators to present digital heritage objects as part of a coherent narrative. This will allow the…

Helping young people to understand their world

A new project, called Personal Inquiry (PI), aims to help young people to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to understand and contribute to their changing world. The project, a collaboration between the Open University and the University of Nottingham, has been awarded nearly £1.2m from the Economic and Social Research Council and the…

KMi teams up with City Discovery Centre for new e-learning project

A new project, funded by the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) programme, aims to develop a new generation geography e-learning product for the schools market. This two year project is being carried out in partnership with the City Discovery Centre, an internationally leading organisation in the delivery of stimulating and accessible learning in urban geography. The…

Dr. Mwanza heads for Helsinki

Yesterday Daisy Mwanza successfully completed her viva for the award of PhD. The viva was held in IET and did not finish until late afternoon, so today she came over to share a bottle of champagne with her friends and colleagues from KMi. Daisy, who was a joint KMi-IET research student, is currently a research…

Milton Keynes and Prague Schools Plan Collaborative Heritage Project

Eva Rehorkova and Chris Woods joined the CIPHER team at Bletchley Park as part of their planning for a new collaborative heritage project to be run in their schools next academic year. Eva Rehorkova was representing Gymnázium Jiřího Gutha-Jarkovského, a secondary school based in Prague. Denbigh School, Milton Keynes, was represented by Chris Woods. The…

CIPHER Project Begins

Today sees the first meeting of the CIPHER project. CIPHER is a two and a half year, 1.5 million Euro project, funded by the EU Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme, within the area of “Heritage for All”. The overall aim of the CIPHER project is to develop innovative technologies and methodologies that enable the celebration…

Outstanding contribution award for Daisy Mwanza

Postgraduate student Daisy Mwanza won an Outstanding Contribution Award for her paper presented at Computer Aided Learning (CAL) 2001, held at the University of Warwick. She won the award in the Lifelong Learning category for her paper entitled “Challenges of designing for collaborative learning in an organisation”. The award also comes with a free subscription…

Outstanding contribution award for Daisy Mwanza

Postgraduate student Daisy Mwanza won an Outstanding Contribution Award for her paper presented at Computer Aided Learning (CAL) 2001, held at the University of Warwick. She won the award in the Lifelong Learning category for her paper entitled “Challenges of designing for collaborative learning in an organisation”. The award also comes with a free subscription…