Person: Paul Mulholland

<p>Paul Mulholland</p>

Athena Swan Silver Award Success

KMi is delighted to announce that we have received an Athena Swan Silver Award following our recent submission to Advance HE.   The Athena Swan Self-Assessment (SAT) Team had membership drawn from our academic, professional services and doctoral students. Prof Advaith Siddharthan, who led SAT’s submission over the past year, said: “Our most compelling narratives were…

Call for Summer Scholarships for Young Black People is launched

KMi has launched our 3rd year’s range of Summer Scholarships for Young Black People, offering to provide financial support with a bursary of £2,700, alongside the experience to build up their careers as young members in STEM.  We are offering three challenges to this year’s applicants. These topics aim to use hot technologies to solve societal…

Past and Present KMi Research Stars Take Centre Stage at Semantics 2021

Last week saw the latest edition of the Semantics series of conferences, Semantics 2021, which took place in Amsterdam, Holland. Since 2005, the Semantics conferences provide the main European forum covering both advanced academic research in semantic technologies, as well as the state of the art in the relevant industrial applications. Semantics 2021 saw a…

Polifonia, An EU Project Launch

The Polifonia project kick off meeting was held today. The project aims to identify and recreate connections between music, people, places and events from the 17th century to the modern day. Funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Framework Programme, project partners such as, King’s College in London, and Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts…

KMi at EKAW 2020 Ethical and Trustworthy Knowledge Engineering

The 22nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2020) will be held virtually on 16-18 September 2020. EKAW is one of the leading international conferences in the area of knowledge engineering and its applications. This year, it is being organised by the Free University of Bolzen-Bolzano. This year’s theme was "Ethical and…

SPICE project is launched

SPICE is a 3 year EU project developing new technologies and methods that enable groups at risk of exclusion to actively participate in culture through a process we term citizen curation. Our approach to citizen curation supports virtual and physical visitors to the museum to engage in two interrelated processes of interpretation and reflection. Citizens…

KMi, the first 25 years

At the 25th Anniversary KMi Festival we invited staff from across the OU campus to come and find out how our latest knowledge and media technologies are impacting education, science, and cities.  The Festival attendees included Lady Kitty Chisholm, one of the three founders of KMi, the STEM Executive Dean, Nick Braithwaite, and the new…

Athena Swan Award Success!

The Knowledge Media Institute is delighted to be among the successful applicants announced by The Equality Challenge Unit for the November 2017 award round.  Our Athena SWAN Bronze Award will be presented at an awards ceremony to be held at Swansea University on 16 July 2018. Dr Miriam Fernandez, who led KMi’s submission said “This…

KMi at ISWC 2017

It was the turn of Vienna, Austria to host the International Semantic Web Conference, and once again KMi’s participation at the event was very strong.  Miriam Fernandez co-chaired the Research Track, while Harith Alani, Enrico Motta, Alessandro Adamou, Francesco Osborne and Ilaria Tiddi sat on various program committees.  KMi members organised two Workshops this year,…

Congratulations to Dr Paul Warren

Paul Warren successfully defended his thesis on 13th July 2017. The title of Paul’s thesis was "Human Reasoning and Description Logics: Applying Psychological Theory to Understand and Improve the Usability of Description Logics". The examiners were Dr. Gem Stapleton (University of Brighton) and Prof. Marian Petre (Computing and Communications). A key contribution of the thesis…