Person: John Domingue

<p>John Domingue</p>

FORGE in Bulgaria

Last week, a two-day event was held in Troyan (Bulgaria) to present new ICT solutions to Bulgarian universities. In this event, John Domingue presented the FORGE project to members of Bulgarian universities. The audience become aware of the possibility of using FIRE‘s experimentation facilities for teaching purposes and how FORGE can facilitate this. Particularly, John…

FORGE Wins Hottest Pitch at NetFutures 15

NetFutures is the main event for EU research and innovation under DG Connect and had over 1,000 attendees this year. The main event was opened by Commissioner Guenther H. Oettinger, followed by Arnis Daugulis, Deputy Secretary of State for Latvia and Sara Mazur, Vice President and Head of Research, Ericsson. During this opening session the…

Exciting Packet Tracer widget developments

This is what Nuno Guarda, Head of Corporate Affairs for Cisco in the UK and Ireland, tweeted yesterday after a very successful event held at the Open University. Alexander Mikroyannidis and Aitor Gomez-Goiri (Knowledge Media Institute – KMi, The Open University) presented their latest work on rich interactive learning materials, featuring the development of an…

KMi welcomes Director-designate John Domingue

We’re pleased to announce that Professor John Domingue has been appointed as KMi’s 4th Director since its founding in 1995. John will be taking up his post in August this year, when the current Director steps down. Today KMiers welcomed this appointment with a gathering to celebrate with a slice of cake and a bit…

The European Data Science Academy has kicked-off!

The kick-off meeting of the European Data Science Academy (EDSA) took place last week in Luxembourg. EDSA is a flagship project for the EC with regards to bridging the gap in the demands for data science skills in Europe. Apart from the project partners, the meeting was attended by the Project Officer for EDSA Carola…

A successful first year review for FORGE!

On the cold 2nd of December FORGE project had its first year review in Brussels. Professor John Domingue and Aneta Tumilowicz represented the KMi team at the review and were also responsible for the overall project presentation as KMi is the project’s coordinator. A panel of four international experts, chaired by the EC project officer…

The first FORGE newsletter is out!

It is hard to believe that only a year has passed since our project started given all of the events that we’ve participated in and the extent of our results. As you will read FORGE has the ambitious aim to transform FIRE into a learning resource – making world class experimental facilities available to students…

Fourth ESWC Summer School ‘Awesome’

"It was an awesome experience." "ESWC Summer School was awesome, seriously! I would not expect at all to meet so many cool people (tutors and students) there and learnt a lot from them. Thank you all tutors, students and whoever involved making this summer school happen. I would definitely recommend the ESWC Summer School to…

EUCLID Officially Declared Excellent!

The EUCLID project finished last week with its final review and was given an ‘Excellent’ ranking (the highest) by our reviewers and our EU Project Officer. EUCLID was a two year Coordination and Support Action tasked with producing learning materials for professionals who wish to learn about Linked Data.   Over the lifetime of the…

Watch the FORGE iBook teaser video

The teaser video of the FORGE iBook gives you a taste of the learning materials and interactive elements included in the iBook developed by the FORGE project. The FORGE iBook features a number of networking courses produced by FORGE that use FIRE facilities for introducing basic networking concepts to the reader/learner. The iBook is available…