Person: Harith Alani

<p>Harith Alani</p>

Congratulations Harith, Professor of Web Science

On Thursday28 April the KMi team assembled to celebrate with a specially designed cake, the award to Harith Alani of the title Professor of Web Science. Professor Alani has been with KMi since 2009, moving here after beginning his research career at Southampton University.  Harith’s work centres on Social Semantics and Web Science, he has…


Every year the World Wide Web Conference provides an opportunity for many researchers from both academy and industry to discuss about topics that are centred around the World Wide Web. In its 25th edition, which took place in Montreal (CA) from 11th to 15th of April 2016, more than a thousand people from 55 countries joined together to present progress in…

Collective Platform for Community Resilience & Social Innovation During Crises

Response to crisis often reveals organisational and technological shortcomings, which threaten community recovery and sustainable. Even though some technological solutions exist, challenges of communication, interoperability, and data analytics remain. The rise of social media as an information channel during crisis has become key to community resilience and response. This project will build an intelligent collective…

Another new Doctor in KMi

Yesterday, Gregoire Burel successfully passed his viva to become the forth new doctor in KMi this year! Greg’s thesis entitled ‘Community and thread methods for identifying best answers in online question answering communities’, introduces the concepts of qualitative and structural design in order to investigate if features derived from community questionnaires can enrich the understanding…

Strong KMi presence at ISWC 2015

The International Semantic Web Conference this year witnessed another populous KMi delegation, with 8 people from the lab attending the conference, which took place in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, on October 11-15. The KMi contributed in a variety of ways to the main Semantic Web conference, both with a significant presence in the organising committee and…

KMi wins over 2 million euros in funding from H2020

Once again, the lab has been successful in winning significant sums of funding from Horizon 2020. As a result, we are pleased to announce four new projects due to begin in January 2016.   The lab won funding for four of the six successful ICT projects at The Open University. These projects will be pushing…

DecarboNet – The Best Is Yet To Come

Lara Piccolo, Miriam Fernandez, and Harith Alani from KMi travelled to Brussels last week to run the successful first review of the FP7 CAPS DecarboNet project. Harith Alani; the coordinator of DecarboNet, told the reviewers in his opening presentation to ‘Keep Calm, because the best is yet to come’ from this three year project. The…

KMi at ESWC 2014!

A significant number of KMiers attended the 11th edition of the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014,, which was celebrated one more year in Anissaras, Crete. The European Semantic Web Conference is held annually and is one of the most relevant events in the Semantic Web area.   KMi’s presence was one of the…