Person: Fridolin Wild

<p>Fridolin Wild</p>

New project: UK-wide, educational app store ‘EDUKApp’

KMi was contracted by JISC to create EDUKApp, an educational, UK-wide app and widget store. EDUKApp will be both a repository and community site that focuses on collecting and promoting widgets and apps for learning and teaching. The first prototype of EDUKApp was presented at the JISC CETIS, that took place in Nottingham on Feb…

KMi experts predict the Future of Education

On January 24-26, one hundred distinguished thought leaders from around the globe have convened in Austin/Texas on invitation of the New Media Consortium (NMC) to predict the Future of Education. Within this three day retreat, thought leaders around the globe reflected and exchanged ideas around technology use in learning and connected emerging trends and metatrends,…

From R to R2

Fridolin Wild of KMi gave an invited talk in the special track on ‘Science 2.0’ at this years I-KNOW’11, in which he reflects on the change taking place in research practice, participation, and supporting technology. Fridolin observes, that the cottage industry model of research is outdated (= one location, one institution), but that at the…

LTfLL project takes textmining technologies in e-learning further

Last week’s final review of the EC-funded ‘language technologies for lifelong learning’ (LTfLL) project found that technology is mature and ripe for the market. Over the course of three years, the collaborative project LTfLL has developed a set of interoperable services that use natural language processing techniques and semantic web technology to support all aspects…

Best papers in Technology-Enhanced Learning awarded

The open network of excellence STELLAR and the European Association for Technology-Enhanced Learning EA-TEL e.V. have prized the best papers in the field at the 5th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning. EA-TEL president and KMi director Peter Scott awarded the best paper presented at the conference to first author Myroslava Dzikovska. She won the prize…

Guest lecture at the CISCO telepresence labs

Anna De Liddo, Sofia Angeletou, and Fridolin Wild have been giving a guest lecture on KMi social networking tools at the CISCO telepresence labs in London. The guest lecture was held for students of the MODUL university in Vienna, as part of a course on online collaboration and virtual communities. Related Links: CISCO PR material

Wolfram Research presents Wolfram|Alpha

Jon McLoone from Wolfram Research presented their latest platform work on Wolfram|Alpha in KMi today: the new computational knowledge engine. By layering computational knowledge on large sets of curated, semantically marked up data, this new engine attempts to provide direct bespoke answers to users’ queries. There is even an iPhone App version. In his talk,…

Awarding the best paper in Novatica

The Novática Award 2008 for the best paper published by the Spanish IT association ATI in its house journal prized an article from the special issue on ‘technology-enhanced learning’ edited by Carlos Delgado Kloos (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) and KMi member Fridolin Wild. The jury had selected the article of Daniel Livingstone from the…

EA-TEL President presents awards at EC-TEL09

In his role as the president of the European Association of Technology Enhanced Learning, KMi Director: Peter Scott together with the Vice President: Wolfgang Nejdl from L3S (Hanover, Germany), have awarded three teams of scientists for their research excellence. The Association made a series of awards for top quality work in TEL research during the…