Person: Chris Valentine

<p>Chris Valentine</p>

READOUT: From R&D to Production

The Office for Students with Disabilities are starting to mail CD-ROMs to blind students in a new service for 1999. In the past the only alternative to printed units were audiocassettes, but research by Professor Tom Vincent’s Multimedia Enabling Technologies group within the Knowledge Media Institute has brought together electronic text and digital audio in…


A successful one-day workshop on ‘audio versions of learning materials for print-disabled students’ was held on the 28th January. It was attended by people with responsibilities for supporting disabled students in higher education institutions in the UK. This workshop provided an opportunity to disseminate the outcomes of the METG DREAM (Digitally Recorded Educational Audio Media)…

Knowledge Web book launch

The Knowledge Web: Learning and Collaborating on the Net is the first major book describing a significant portion of KMi’s research in one volume. The book, published this week by Kogan Page, was edited by Marc Eisenstadt and Tom Vincent, and includes contributions from 23 authors, mostly working in or directly affiliated with the Knowledge…

Millennium Commissioner visits KMi

Lord Dalkeith, a Millennium Commissioner, visited KMi on the 3 September together with Rob Luke, Manager of the Millennium Awards Scheme, to discuss a proposal for an Open University and Living Archive Millennium Awards Scheme. The aim of the proposal is to encourage and enable parents of schoolchildren to gain new skills in the use…

Millennium Commissioner visits KMi

Lord Dalkeith, a Millennium Commissioner, visited KMi on the 3 September together with Rob Luke, Manager of the Millennium Awards Scheme, to discuss a proposal for an Open University and Living Archive Millennium Awards Scheme. The aim of the proposal is to encourage and enable parents of schoolchildren to gain new skills in the use…

From Net Newbie to Web Guru in four days

Four groups of women studying for an NVQ in Media and IT skills have undertaken a crash course in internet skills, taking them from their first experience of browsing the web to web page design and site maintenance in 12 hours over 4 days. During this time the separate groups have created their own homepages,…

Lifelong Learning Minister Visits Open University

On Wednesday 6th May Kim Howells MP (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Lifelong Learning at the Department of Education and Employment) visited the Open University. He was welcomed by the Vice Chancellor Sir John Daniel, and visited a number of OU units to see, first hand, how the University makes Lifelong Learning a reality…


Baroness Tessa Blackstone, Minister for State for Further and Higher Education, was the guest of honour at the opening of a new Learning Resource Centre (LRC) at North Birmingham College (NBC) on the 1 May 1998. LRC provides excellent facilities for staff and students. It is the electronic hub for the College. The Centre has…

DfEE Millennium Projects Team Visit KMi

Chris Wells, Divisional Manager, and John McCann from the DfEE Millennium Projects Team visited KMi to see a range of multimedia and Web developments. The day commenced with a visit to Heronsgate School to see a number of examples of children using applications to support the curriculum which have been developed by the Multimedia Enabling…

Historic Movie On Display At Last!

NEWS FLASH (April 1st, 1998) – Historic Movie On Display At Last! Cinefilm of one of the defining events of the 20th century has at last been restored, 94 years after it was taken. Everyone must have seen the classic image of Orville Wright’s first flight, but what they will not have realised is that…