Person: Angelo Antonio Salatino

<p>Angelo Antonio Salatino</p>

KMi, the first 25 years

At the 25th Anniversary KMi Festival we invited staff from across the OU campus to come and find out how our latest knowledge and media technologies are impacting education, science, and cities.  The Festival attendees included Lady Kitty Chisholm, one of the three founders of KMi, the STEM Executive Dean, Nick Braithwaite, and the new…

KMi at ISWC 2019

Every year the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) is the main destination for many researchers in the Semantic Web community. The 18th edition of the ISWC was held last week in Auckland, New Zealand, and hosted around 500 researchers coming from all around the world. ISWC is of high importance to KMi since it relates…

The CSO Classifier nominated for the Best Paper Award

Last week, Angelo was in Oslo for the 23rd edition of the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL2019). Every year, this conference attracts many researchers from all over the world, working in the fields of digital libraries, information retrieval, text analysis, web archives, and many others. Angelo attended the conference to present…

ANGELO succeeds his viva

Congratulations to Angelo Salatino for succeeding in his viva! Last Friday, Angelo Salatino successfully defended his PhD thesis on Early Detection of Research Trends. The thesis is a body of research work over the last three years leading to a successful system that identifies the emergence of new research topics up to two years before…

The Open University and Springer Nature launch the Computer Science Ontology

Springer Nature and the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) of The Open University are partnering to provide a comprehensive Computer Science Ontology (CSO) to a broad range of communities engaged with scholarly data. CSO can be accessed free of charge through the CSO Portal, a web application that enables users to download, explore, and provide feedback…

KMi at ISWC2018

Every year the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) is the main destination for many researchers in the Semantic Web community. The 17th edition of the conference was held last week at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Monterey, California, and it hosted around 500 researchers coming from all around the world. Many KMiers including John Domingue,…

KMi @The Web Conference 2018

KMi once again had a strong presence at The Web Conference, which this year was held in Lyon, France from 23-27 April, and was attended by over 2300 delegates. More than 7500 tweets were posted about the event, with 17000 retweets, reaching around 8.6 million twitter users. On the Program Committee were KMi’s Harith Alani,…

One of our papers was one of the top 5 most viewed in its areas

Great news for some KMiers! A paper authored by Angelo A. Salatino, Francesco Osborne and Enrico Motta, published last June to PeerJ Computer Science journal, was one of the top 5 most viewed in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Digital Libraries. The paper entitled "How are topics born? Understanding the research dynamics preceding the emergence of new areas"…

KMi at ISWC 2017

It was the turn of Vienna, Austria to host the International Semantic Web Conference, and once again KMi’s participation at the event was very strong.  Miriam Fernandez co-chaired the Research Track, while Harith Alani, Enrico Motta, Alessandro Adamou, Francesco Osborne and Ilaria Tiddi sat on various program committees.  KMi members organised two Workshops this year,…


Angelo, one of our postgraduate students, was recently in Bari (Italy) to attend the 3rd International Winter School on Big Data—BigDat2017. The winter school was organised by the University of Bari (IT) and Universitat Rovira i Virgili (ES). Big Data has recently gained a lot of interest in research and many believe that it will…