Person: Alexander Mikroyannidis

<p>Alexander Mikroyannidis</p>

KMi at the JTEL Summer School 2017

The 13th Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning took place last week in the beautiful city of Aveiro in Portugal. This is an annual event, gathering PhD students from universities across Europe and providing them with opportunities to develop research skills, increase their knowledge base, collaborate with others in their own and complementary…

Special Issue: Motivating and Supporting Self-Regulated Learning

Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) is a term that can be used to describe an individual’s ability to develop a skill set allowing him/her to learn in a number of different ways. According to the well-established literature in this field, SRL is an active and constructive process where learners set themselves goals that enable them to monitor,…

ICL2017: Teaching and Learning in a Digital World

The 20th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL 2017) took place last week in Budapest, Hungary. This interdisciplinary conference focuses on the exchange of relevant trends and research results, as well as the presentation of practical experiences in the fields of Interactive Collaborative Learning and Engineering Pedagogy. KMi’s Alexander Mikroyannidis was there to deliver…

Special Issue: Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning

The latest issue of the International Journal of Technology-Enhanced Learning (IJTEL) is a special issue on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning. This special issue has been edited by KMi’s Alexander Mikroyannidis together with external collaborators Milos Kravcik (DFKI Germany), Viktoria Pammer (Graz University of Technology, Austria), Michael Prilla (Clausthal University of Technology, Germany)…

Personalised learning – paving the way forward

The latest CALRG event on Personalised Learning took place on May 18th. The event was organised by the Open University’s Computers and Learning Research Group (CALRG) and brought together researchers that have been working on personalised learning in order to share the outcomes of their work and move forward to shape the university’s strategy in…

PT Anywhere presented at the IEEE EDUCON 2017

The IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 2017 has been the eighth in a series of conferences that rotate among central locations in IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and North Africa). EDUCON is the flagship conference of the IEEE Education Society. This year’s EDUCON took place on April 25-28 in the city of Athens,…

OER17 – The Politics of Open

The Open Educational Resources conference (OER17) took place on April 5th and 6th in London. In two days fully packed with paper presentations and interactive sessions, OER17 has presented an opportunity for open practitioners, activists, educators and policy makers to come together as a community to reflect on ‘The Politics of Open’ and discuss the…

KMi at the Open Education Global conference

The Open Education Global conference took place last week in the beautiful city of Cape Town. KMi was represented by Alexander Mikroyannidis, who presented a paper on the European Data Science Academy (EDSA) project and delivered a workshop related to the SlideWiki project. Alexander’s paper on the EDSA project describes the project’s approach in using…

KMi at the latest Show and TEL

The Open Technology Enhanced Learning (openTEL) is a priority research area, bringing together researchers from across the Open University. The group runs regular Show and TEL events to share expertise among its members. The latest such event took place on February 9th. Alexander Mikroyannidis from the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) joined the event and presented…

FORGE – Officially Excellent!

The FORGE project has been rated "Excellent" by the Project Officer and the review panel during the final project review, yesterday in Brussels. The review was attended by representatives from all project partners, plus external partners that have joined the project through its Open Call series. FORGE has been a 3-year FP7 project, led by…