Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) is a term that can be used to describe an individual’s ability to develop a skill set allowing him/her to learn in a number of different ways. According to the well-established literature in this field, SRL is an active and constructive process where learners set themselves goals that enable them to monitor, regulate and control their cognition, motivation and ensuing behaviour within the contextual features of their environment. Thus, SRL can be perceived to be, in rather more simplistic terms, as learning how to learn.
Since the 1980s, a number of researchers have proposed a variety of theoretical frameworks and models that outline SRL in terms of learning targets, guidance and potential planning mechanisms. More recently, the emergence of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) environments, such as Personal Learning Environments (PLEs), offers opportunities to enhance the necessary SRL skills, especially metacognitive abilities. Additionally, the deployment of Learning Analytics tools in a variety of TEL environments can potentially motivate and support SRL via awareness and reflection upon an individual’s learning process. Open Educational Resources and the advancing Open Education movement also offer greater control to learners over acquiring the most suitable resources for their learning needs and goals.
This Special Issue will address the latest developments in the field of SRL, both from a technological as well as pedagogical perspective. Contributions are expected to address how SRL can be motivated and supported with the use technologies, such as TEL environments, PLEs and Learning Analytics, which are grounded on different pedagogical approaches. Experiences and best practices from the fields of formal, informal, non-formal education, as well as workplace learning, are particularly welcome.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 April 2018
Guest Editor: Dr. Alexander Mikroyannidis
Submission guidelines:
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