Ontology Engineering in a Networked World

The NeOn project, a flagship KMi-led EU FP6 initiative, was launched in March 2006 and ran for 4 years. A key aim of the project was to advance the state of the art in using ontologies for large-scale semantic applications, in particular by providing innovative tools and methods to support the process of creating, managing, reusing and integrating distributed ontologies available on the web.
“Ontology Engineering in a Networked World” provides a practical compendium of many of the innovations produced by the NeOn project, in particular presenting a practical methodology for the process of building ontology-based applications in the new network-centric contexts enabled by the Semantic Web. The NeOn methodology is presented in a prescriptive way to facilitate its adoption by students and practitioners and at the same time all the various activities described in the methodology are supported by tools developed during the project and integrated in the NeOn Toolkit. As Dr Richard Benjamins writes in his preface, “this book contributes to putting ontological engineering in a more realistic environment: out of the labs and into the real world (wide web), where reuse and interrelationships are more the rule than exceptions”.

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