
<p>Story relating to an award</p>

ICT 2010 and a Prize for SOA4All

Last week saw the premier event for EU funded research ICT 2010 which was held in Brussels, had over 4000 participants and covered the multi-billion Euro ICT Programme. The 3-day conference was opened by Mr. Yves Leterme, the Belgian Prime Minister, Vice-President Silvana Koch-Mehrin of the European Parliament, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation…

Times coverage of Technology @ The Open University

A very neat set of pieces from the UK’s Times Newspaper was published recently, and gives a rounded view of some things happening at the Open University. The Knowledge Media Institute’s work features in a number of these articles in the paper. (The pieces are in the STUDENT section of the Times Online but…

A STELLAR first year

The STELLAR project has been commended in its first annual performance evaluation by the European Commission for starting so strongly in its goal of strengthening scientific and technological excellence in Technology-Enhanced Learning. A panel of four international experts, from the US, China, Norway, and the UK, chaired by the EC project officer Marco Marsella assessed…

KMi Researchers accept Mozilla ‘Jetpack for Learning’ special award

March 14th 2010 saw the Mozilla Foundation’s “Jetpack for Learning Design Challenge” awards presented at the international South by South West interactive technology festival in Austin, Texas, USA. The international community of web learning project teams started work on Firefox prototypes in December 2009. The Jetpack for Learning Design Challenge sought international project ideas that…

KMi succeeds in Mozilla Competition

Two teams from KMi participated in the ‘Jetpack for Learning Design’ challenge run by the Mozilla Foundation to revolutionize learning. And two teams from KMi made their way through to the finals. MUPPLE-II implements an end-user friendly toolkit for learning environment design and best practice sharing. MUPPLE-II helps to record activities such as ‘getting to…

KMi scoops ASWC Best Paper Award for the second year running

KMi members have done it again! For the second year running a paper authored by KMi folks has won the best paper award at the Asian Semantic Web Conference, which was held in Shanghai on 6-9 December 2009. In 2008 the winner was a paper by Silvio Peroni, Enrico Motta, and Mathieu d’Aquin – see…

10 Million downloads for the OU on iTunes U

So… it may only be a big number, but 10 million downloads is a pretty neat boundary to cross! The 10 Millionth Open University track on iTunes U, a dedicated area within the Apple iTunes Store was downloaded this week. According to our logs, the 10 Millionth track was ‘A French Breakfast’ from the popular…

KMi straps its Jetpacks on

The Mozilla foundation announced the winners of the first round of the "Jetpack for Learning Design Challenge" and two teams from KMi won through to the second phase. Jetpack is one of the Mozilla Labs new flagship projects to explore new ways to extend and personalize the Web. Together with the John D. and Catherine…

Awarding the best paper in Novatica

The Novática Award 2008 for the best paper published by the Spanish IT association ATI in its house journal prized an article from the special issue on ‘technology-enhanced learning’ edited by Carlos Delgado Kloos (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) and KMi member Fridolin Wild. The jury had selected the article of Daniel Livingstone from the…

EA-TEL President presents awards at EC-TEL09

In his role as the president of the European Association of Technology Enhanced Learning, KMi Director: Peter Scott together with the Vice President: Wolfgang Nejdl from L3S (Hanover, Germany), have awarded three teams of scientists for their research excellence. The Association made a series of awards for top quality work in TEL research during the…