Best Paper Award for Alessio at Hypertext 2020

Congratulations to Alessio Antonini, who was co-author of the Best Paper at the 31st ACM International Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT’20).

This year’s conference theme was Hypertext for Social Good with a focus on ensuring that technology will have a positive impact on both society and individual users. HT’20 turned some important stones to reunify different hypertext research directions and communities.

Alessio and his co-authors, Francesca Benatti and Sally Blackburn-Daniels, were awarded the Douglas Engelbart Best Paper Award for their paper entitled On Links To Be: Exercises in Style #2.This paper is the result of a collaboration between KMi and FASS for the EU JPI READ-IT project. It provides a novel perspective on references, addressing the creation of links at the moment of reading. The traces of these links are what literary scholars call “marginalia”, notes and signs left at margin of books, defining the meaning behind the connections “to be” in future works. 

This was one of two papers that Alessio had accepted at HT’20 this year, the other was

Mediation as Calibration: A Framework for Evaluating the Author/Reader Relation

An open-access versions of Alessio’s papers are available below.



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