Simon Buckingham Shum

JIME at eJournal Expert Conference

KMi was invited to present its innovative Journal of Interactive Media in Education to an expert conference, Change & Continuity in Scientific Publishing, convened under the auspices of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Simon Buckingham Shum joined other Editors of leading electronic journals covering diverse disciplines to share experiences, and discuss future…

JIME/D3E Demonstrated at CERN to OAi Community

In the birthplace of the World Wide Web – CERN, Geneva – an international workshop was held last week to discuss future models for disseminating and validating scholarly research over the Web. Simon Buckingham Shum and Gary Li were invited to present their work on Web-based, conversational peer review, as used in the Journal of…

Compendium Institute Launches

Today saw the launch of the Compendium Institute, a website to link the growing practitioner/researcher community using the Compendium technique for knowledge management. “Compendium provides a methodological framework, plus an evolving suite of tools, for collective sense-making and group memory. Validated in both small and large scale business projects, it is the result of over…

D3E assists US scientific visualization community

The Digital Document Discourse Environment (D3E) is now being used across the US to support meteorological data analysis. D3E provides an important link between Unidata UCAR where developers are building 3D scientific visualization and analysis tools, and the university researchers who use them. The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) is a consortium of universities…

KMi lead International CSC-Argumentation workshop, Stanford

“Computer-Supported Collaborative Argumentation for Learning Communities” is an international workshop being held at Stanford University, CA this weekend, bringing together for the first time researchers and commercial system developers working on collaborative-technologies to augment argumentation. The event precedes the bi-annual CSCL’99 conference which will attract 300-400 international delegates. Convened by KMi’s Simon Buckingham Shum, the…

BP Amoco funds ‘Best Practices E-Journal’ project

BP Amoco is funding a 2 year Research Fellowship into the application of the D3E Web document publishing and discussion system to an internal best practices journal, modelled on the innovative Journal of Interactive Media in Education. This project continues BPA’s collaborative research with KMi into knowledge management technologies, initiated with the organizational lea rning…

British Council ‘Alliance’ grant for D3E Project

The British Council has awarded a follow-on grant to KMi’s D3E Project and the Universite de Provence. The Council’s Alliance Programme was set up to foster Franco-British research, and this grant will enable KMi to continue its 1998 collaboration with Nathalie Bonnardel’s research team who specialise in cognitive ergonomics. They will be evaluating the usability…

Published today: “Educational Authoring Tools and the Educational Object Economy”

A special issue of the Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME) is published today focusing on Educational Authoring Tools & The Educational Object Economy This issue reports the work of the East/West Group, a research consortium of US publishers, universities and educational software companies. It addresses concerns ranging from multimedia authoring tools for educational…

Clayton Lewis reports school science model-building experiments

Model building by adult scientists is richly rewarding intellectually. Can the intellectual benefits be reaped by young children who build animated computer models as part of their science study? This was the opening question posed by Prof. Clayton Lewis, on research sabbatical in KMi from the University of Colorado Computer Science department, who presented a…