Petr Knoth

KMi achieves excellent results in NTCIR-10 evaluation competition

The KMI team consisting of Petr Knoth, Drahomira Herrmannova and Zdenek  Zdrahal achieves in the NTCIR-10 CrossLink evaluation competition according to the organisers overall best results in the English to Chinese, Japanese and Korean (English to CJK) task and is the top (steadily among the three best and mostly second best)  performer in the CJK to English…

CORE at the World Summit on the Information Society review organised by UNESCO

The first multi-stakeholder review of the achievements of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+10) entitled "Towards Knowledge Societies for Peace and Sustainable Development” was hosted by UNESCO in Paris from 25 to 27 February 2013. The event attracted about 1000 participants from around the world; about 1500 additional people participated on-line. Zdenek Zdrahal…

KMi to Play a Key Role in Shaping the New Cloud-based Europeana Research Platform

The eCloud (Europeana Cloud: Unlocking Europe’s Research via The Cloud) project is about to start on the 1st of February 2013. Europeana Cloud is a €4 million project coordinated by the Europeana Foundation, designed to establish a cloud-based system for Europeana and its aggregators. In Europeana Cloud will be new content, new metadata, a new…

KMi to build the official UK Open Access Repository Registry

KMi together with University of Nottingham (CRC) and CottageLabs have been awarded a grant in the JISC Digital Infrastructure Programme to build a UK Open Access Repository Registry. KMi was invited to participate in this closed call directly by JISC based on our work in the CORE project. It has already been decided that the…

Drahomira Herrmannova was awarded the dean’s prize for her diploma thesis

Drahomira Herrmannova was awarded the Prize of Zdena Rabova by the Brno University of Technology. This prize is awarded annually by the dean of the faculty to two students  for excellent study and science results. The nomination was supported by Drahomira’s diploma thesis, which she wrote during her period at KMi and which was  based on paper by Drahomira…

CORE Fight for Open Access in Scotland!

The 7th International Conference on Open Repositories (OR 2012) has seen last week close to 500 participants, the highest number in its history. The theme and title of OR 2012 in Edinburgh – Open Services for Open Content: Local In for Global Out – reflects the current move towards open content, ‘augmented content’, distributed systems…

Yes, we can! – The CORE team organises a workshop at JCDL 2012 in Washington, DC

KMI and the European Library/Europeana jointly organised the 1st International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications associated with JCDL 2012 – the most prestigious conference in the world of digital libraries. The workshop was attended by major players in the field including the National Library of Medicine, Library of Congress, CiteSeerX, Elsevier and British Library. Although…

Cor! It’s time for CORE!

Is an article published by the University of London Computing Centre featuring certain aspects of the CORE system. Check it out … Related Links: Cor! It’s time for CORE!

Another member of CORE family

DiggiCORE is a new two year project funded under the Digging into Data programme, which supports collaboration between the UK, USA, Canada and the Netherlands. The DiggiCORE partnership consists of KMI and The European Library. This makes DiggiCORE the only funded fully European project in the whole programme. The members of the DiggiCORE Advisory Board…

ServiceCORE project has started

ServiceCORE is a follow up project of CORE funded by JISC. The project aims at developing a nation-wide service for searching, navigating and accessing Open Access publications stored across 143 British institutional repositories. The CORE system is unique in its way to use text-mining and linked data to connect and interlink semantically similar publications at…