DiggiCORE is a new two year project funded under the Digging into Data programme, which supports collaboration between the UK, USA, Canada and the Netherlands. The DiggiCORE partnership consists of KMI and The European Library. This makes DiggiCORE the only funded fully European project in the whole programme. The members of the DiggiCORE Advisory Board represent The Open University, SPARC Europe and the Europeana Foundation.
The objective of DiggiCORE is to analyse a vast set of research publications from the Open Access domain using natural language processing and social network analysis methods to identify patterns in the behaviour of research communities, to recognise trends in research disciplines, to learn new insights about the citation behaviours of researchers and to discover features that distinguish papers with high impact. The results of this analysis should enable the development of better methods for exploratory search and browsing in digital collections and should encourage new ways of evaluating research or the researcher’s impact beyond standard citation measures.
To enable the analysis, the DiggiCORE project will extend and improve the CORE system providing access to well-structured and organised information acquired by harvesting, cleaning, integrating and processing information from a very large and fast-growing collection of research publications distributed across more than 1,800 Open Access repositories and many Open Access journals. The Open University’s Open Research Online (ORO) is among the harvested institutional repositories. of the The DiggiCORE infrastructure will be freely accessible to the public through a set of web services.
Related Links:
- Eight international research funders announce winners of 2011 Digging into Data challenge
- DiggiCORE project plan
- Winners of the Digging into Data programme