Peter Scott
Webcef Project, Helsinki

Chris Valentine and Peter Scott have spent this week in Helsinki at a major project meeting of the WebCEF initiative – working on systems for interactive language learning and assessment. WebCEF enables the collaborative assessment of oral language proficiency through a web-based environment. As a language learner or language teacher you can evaluate your own…
Bamboo Workshop Paris

KMi lead an OU team to an intensive 3 day workshop to work on an international perspective on future Arts and Humanties research this week. The Bamboo Planning Project is an 18-month planning and community design program funded by the US based Mellon foundation, being lead by the Universities of Chicago and Berkeley. The Open…
The Open University on iTunes U

Today, Apple’s iTunes service for Universities, iTunes U was thrown open to an international community – and is showcasing the Open University. A team from KMi and the University Learning and Teaching Solutions have crafted a strong presence for the OU at launch; and have cunning plans to use this new channel opportunity in some…
Trinity keynote on disruptive technologies and bleeding edge Open Learning

Peter Scott presented a keynote talk to the 7th annual conference on enhancing learning and teaching using technology hosted by the Centre for Learning Technology of Dublin, Trinity College. In supporting the overall mission of TCD, to enhance the learning experience of every student, CLT acts as a one-stop shop for academic and college staff…
ECAR Symposium 2007, Boca Raton Florida

The Educause ECAR Symposium was held in the spectacular Boca Raton Resort & Club near Miami in Florida this year. The EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR) provides timely research and analysis to help higher education leaders make better decisions about information technology. ECAR assembles leading scholars, practitioners, researchers, and analysts to focus on issues…
OUFM Server general release

New for 2008, the KMi Service OUFM, sees our highly successful FlashMeeting project providing a generic video meeting, recording and analysis system directly to the Open University community. OU users can now log in directly to the OUFM server with their OU secure authentication identity (SAMS) to automatically use any of its features without extra…
ECTEL-07 Highlights

The Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning – “Creating new learning experiences on a global scale”, was held in Crete, Greece, 17-20 September 2007. The spectacular Kalimeri Kriti resort hosted the second in this new TEL conference series. With the advance of Web 2.0 approaches to rip, mix & burn learning, wikis, blogs, syndication,…
EATEL and Prolearn General Assembly 2007

The Prolearn General Assembly was held in the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University in the UK on Monday and Tuesday 14-15 May 2007. Prolearn partners and associates from all around Europe converged on Milton Keynes to discuss the final year of work of the Prolearn Network of Excellence and its sustainability beyond the…
FlashMeeting Analysis Tool Released

Today we have finally released the visualization tools that we have been using to try to understand the structure of virtual events in our FlashMeeting work. Currently these tools are only available for meetings that have been syndicated as free for public reuse; but we will be releasing a version for private events presently. We…