Marc Eisenstadt

UfI’s Brown Visits

John Brown, Director of Learning at Ufi/LearnDirect, visited KMi today as part of a fact-finding visit to the Open University. Brown, formerly Director of Lifelong Learning at the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (Becta), joined Ufi/ learndirect in July 2002 . According to a LearnDirect press release “John will have responsibility for leading the…

UfI’s Brown Visits

John Brown, Director of Learning at Ufi/LearnDirect, visited KMi today as part of a fact-finding visit to the Open University. Brown, formerly Director of Lifelong Learning at the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (Becta), joined Ufi/ learndirect in July 2002 . According to a LearnDirect press release “John will have responsibility for leading the…

IM Planet: “Watch BuddySpace!”

Instant Messaging Planet, the influential industry newsletter of the wireless/messaging worlds, has tipped BuddySpace in the top story featured in the Public IM section of its web news. The feature article, by Jupiter Media&#39s Kevin Reichard, notes that BuddySpace offers “an interesting view of where instant messaging is headed and how it will be,” and…

So long Kitty!

Kitty Chisholm, the K in KMi, is stepping down from her post as OU Director of Development. Kitty has been involved with KMi from the beginning: right through the original concept, OU Senate briefings, VCOM discussions, formulation, brokering key industrial partnerships, and through the phenomenal expansion that has seen KMi grow to its current 63…

BuddySpace2 Hits The Street

BuddySpace2, a cross-platform Java implementation of a new kind of instant messaging program, became available for public download today. BuddySpace is an instant messaging program with a difference: it enables users to visualise the online/offline status of colleagues and friends using customised maps, logical layouts such as building schematics and even project and course-schedule timelines….

Collaboration Integration Workshop Underway

KMi is hosting a two day integration workshop aimed at creating next-generation collaboration tools. The workshop, on 10th and 11th October, 2002, brings together KMi’s team with partners at the Universities of Edinburgh and Southampton, all engaged in “Collaborative Advanced Knowledge Technologies in the Grid” (CoAKTinG), an EPSRC project funded as part of the UK’s…

Semantic Climate Portal Underway

KMi has begun its research activity on ClimatePrediction.Net, a massive distributed computing project designed to allow up to 2 million individuals each to run part of a 100-year-projection climate model on their personal computers. ClimatePredicton.Net, headed by a team from the Atmospheric Physics Department at the University of Oxford, has been awarded £400K by the…

Matterhorn Webcast 22nd August!

UPDATE: Lorenzo and Scott reached the summit around 09:30 BST, 10:30 local time, and sent their final audio message before the descent. Several people tuned in to the webcast from around the world including one from Florida.Unfortunately, due to a problem dialling into the Internet account, Lorenzo was unable to send any photos using the…

‘Best SIGCHI Paper’ award for Yanna

First-year KMi postgraduate student Yanna Vogiazou has won a top prize for ‘excellence in combining theory and application’ at the Designing Interactive Systems 2002 conference sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction (ACM SIGCHI). The conference, co-sponsored by Sun, IBM, Microsoft, and the British HCI group, was held in…

Lampl of Sutton Trust Visits

Peter Lampl, Chairman and Founder of The Sutton Trust, visited KMi this morning as part of a wider Open University visit. The Sutton Trust provides educational opportunities for able young people from non-privileged backgrounds. Peter Lampl’s visit began with a meeting with KMi Chief Scientist Marc Eisenstadt and Business Manager Peter Sharpe. A discussion of…