John Domingue

Final LHDL project results ranked as great success

Last week saw the final review of the EC-funded STREP project LHDL which can only be described as an overwhelming success. Running for three years since February 2006, the major mission of LHDL was to further develop interactive digital library services to access collections of complex biomedical data on the musculoskeletal apparatus and to create…

Future Internet Video Released

In preparation for the Service Web 3.0 project review, last week saw the release of the project�s Future Internet Video. Designed to be viewed by stakeholders, who may be non-experts, in a new generation Internet, the video outlines the basic themes of the European Union�s Future Internet initiative. These include: an Internet of Services, where…

Stefania’s Final Day in KMi

Today was Stefania Galizia’s last day in KMi. Her ‘KMi Story’ is unique in many respects. First arriving as an intern during her PhD, then after impressing all of us she came back as a Research Fellow to work on the large EU project on Semantic Web Services – DIP. Within this project she worked…

Future Internet Symposium (FIS 2008)

We are now at the start of an exciting new venture – designing a new planetary scale network to meet today�s industrial and societal needs. The first Future Internet Symposium (FIS 2008) which was held in Vienna, 28-30 September, provided a forum for leading researchers and practitioners to meet and discuss the wide-ranging scientific and…

New President for STI International

At the recent General Assembly meeting for Semantic Technology Institute International (STI International), held at the end of September in Vienna, the members voted in John Domingue as the new President. STI International is an global organisation with over 35 members in Europe, North America, and Asia with a mission to “make semantics real” –…

Living Human Digital Library Passes Medical

The Living Human Digital Library is a picture of health, following its annual checkup this April. The second year review was held in Bologna, at the headquarters of project member CINECA, the Italian national super-computing consortium. The Living Human Digital Library (LHDL) is an EU research programme funded as a STREP under FP6’s health theme….

Future Internet: Defining a new Internet for Europe for 2020

With over a billion users world-wide, the current Internet is a great success – a global integrated communications infrastructure and service platform underpinning the fabric of the World economy and society in general. However, today’s Internet was designed in the 1970s for purposes that bear little resemblance to current and foreseen usage scenarios. Mismatches between…

SOA4All and Service Web 3.0: Creating a Web of Billions of Services.

Emerging technologies such as the Semantic Web, SOA, and Web 2.0 will transform the Internet from a network of information to a network of knowledge and services. The number of services which will be offered on the Internet is expected to rise dramatically in the next few years as will the amount of collaboratively shared…

KMi alone covers a quarter of IST FP6 Showcase

Knowledge Media Institute was honoured to be included among a handful of leading European institutes invited to the Framework 6 (FP6) Showcase Event, which took place on 12-13 December in Luxembourg. Out of eight invitations, two went directly to projects headed by KMi researchers: John Domingue (Scientific Director of the SUPER project) and Martin Dzbor…

Microsoft Hosts SemGrail Semantic Web Workshop

Microsoft recently hosted SemGrail an invitation only workshop focused on the Semantic Web near their headquarters in Seattle. As can be seen in the picture the workshop invitees were comprised of a small number of prominent figures in the Semantic Web arena including: Jim Hendler, Amit Sheth, Frank van Harmelen, Tim Finnin and Natasha Noy….