John Domingue

Centre Point VIP Event Adds Resonance Momentum

Last Friday saw a VIP installation event and networking party at Centre Point for the Resonance project. This invitation-only party had a number of prominent attendees from the Media and Broadcasing industry including: Chris Fry the Producer of Spooks, Foz Allen the Executive Producer of Robin Hood, Matthew Bouch the Producer of Being Human, Colin…

Sir Tim Berners-Lee on Linked Data and the Future Internet

Today saw the closing ceremony for the latest Future Internet Assembly held in Ghent (FIA Ghent). KMi’s was strongly represented in the Future Internet work via by two projects: SOA4All and SOFI, and most significantly through our leadership of the Future Internet Working Group for the Software and Services Unit. The Future Internet Assemblies are…

NoTube Future TV research goes Seoul

Last week saw the first Open Workshop on Future Television held by the NoTube consortium in Seoul, Korea. During this very successful, public half-day event, the NoTube team members – KMI represented by Stefan Dietze – showcased their innovative solutions centred around the topics Linked Data, Semantic Services and Future Television. The talks were met…

EU funds VPH-Share project to advance medical informatics

KMi is a partner in the newly funded VPH-Share project (Virtual Physiological Human: Sharing for Healthcare – A Research Environment), an EU Framework 7 integrating project. VPH-Share will begin in March 2011 and run for four years, with total funding from the EU of �10.7 million. The Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) is a vision for…

SOA4All M30 Review: Maria was impressive

Last week saw the SOA4All project have a highly successful month 30 review in Brussels. The reviewers complemented the high standard of the presentations and deliverables. In addition, positive feedback was given on the quality of all the software deliverables and software prototypes. The improved scientific impact in the form of papers and publications was…

ICT 2010 and a Prize for SOA4All

Last week saw the premier event for EU funded research ICT 2010 which was held in Brussels, had over 4000 participants and covered the multi-billion Euro ICT Programme. The 3-day conference was opened by Mr. Yves Leterme, the Belgian Prime Minister, Vice-President Silvana Koch-Mehrin of the European Parliament, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation…

KMi Continues its Close Relationship with AIMSA

The AIMSA conference series has provided a biennial forum for the presentation of AI research and development since 1984, and is the premier event of its kind in the Balkan Region. The conference, which is always held in Bulgaria, covers a wide variety of topics in Artificial Intelligence and related disciplines and also provides conduit…

W3C Acknowledges WSMO-Lite, a Submission Led By KMi

The W3C, the Web’s standardization consortium with a mission to lead the Web to its full potential, has today acknowledged WSMO-Lite, a technology submission led by KMi. Developed within the EU project SOA4All, WSMO-Lite is a lightweight set of terms for describing the semantics of Web services that builds on the W3C standard SAWSDL. According…

KMI at the ESWC 2010 (30 May – 3 June)

This year’s Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) took place last week in Heraklion, Greece. ESWC2010 builds on the success of the former European Semantic Web Conference series, but seeks to extend its focus by engaging with other communities within and outside ICT, in which semantics can play an important role. It is one of the…

NoTube – on the way to future television

NoTube – this is future television. This claim was once again underlined by the very successful 1st year project review of NoTube, which took place last week at the VU Intertain Lab in Amsterdam, which proved to be a more than worthy venue for NoTube. NoTube did set off to create a new, user-driven television…