John Domingue

Third ESWC Summer School a Great Success

Last week saw the third ESWC Summer School take place in the south of Crete in the beautiful village of Kalamaki. This event is tightly coupled with the ESWC Conference Series and as with the conference runs under the auspices of STI International the network organization focused in the area of semantics. As such the…

Euclid Officially Rated Excellent

“I have been reviewing European projects for over ten years and this is the first time I give an ‘Excellent’ rating… Congratulations! I am impressed! I also think that you are very good educators as well as researchers.” “Congratulations first!” “The project is well developed and has made excellent progress.” Were the first comments from…

The Shakespeare Review

KMi’s John Domingue joined a team of experts in February 2013 to contribute to an independent review of  public sector information, The Shakespeare Review, which has now been published, was led by Stephan Shakespeare, Chair of the Data Strategy Board – a body set up by BIS.  The Review makes nine recommendations to government around the…

Online Learning and Linked Data at WWW 2013

KMi organised a tutorial about Online Learning and Linked Data on May 13 at the World Wide Web conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The tutorial was a joint event between the EUCLID and LinkedUp projects and was delivered by John Domingue and Alexander Mikroyannidis from KMi and Stefan Dietze from L3S Research Center, Germany…

22,000 Downloads for Future Internet Book

We have just been informed by Springer that our book: The Future Internet: Achievements and Technological Promises, published in 2011, has now had over 22,000 chapter downloads. The book, whose chief editor is John Domingue, covers the main technical areas related to the Future Internet, a European initiative which brings together over 150 projects under…

Milton Keynes City Council adopts ParkJam to Ease Car Parking Stress

Yesterday Milton Keynes Council began promoting KMi’s mobile app ParkJam. This free app lets drivers check parking availability from any Android phone. The app uses Linked Data technology to integrate information about parking availability from multiple sources including the electronic billboard signage system which runs in Milton Keynes city centre, and from drivers themselves who…

Keynote at the European Conference on Service Oriented and Cloud Computing

Another week, another Keynote. On this occasion at the first European Conference on Service Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC). This conference was formed last year from the long running European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS) with the (obvious) extension to Cloud Computing.  In addition to KMi’s John Domingue, the conference Keynotes included Bryan Stephenson from…

SEALS result is excellent

After the successful final review meeting held on 10th, July in Madrid, here arrives the approved review report for the SEALS project that KMi has been significantly involved with for the last three years. The overall assessment rating is EXCELLENT. The report states that the SEALS project has fully achieved its objectives and technical goals…