John Domingue

Congratulations to Sofia, Laurian and Vlad!

Congratulations to Sofia Angeletou, Laurian Gridinoc, and Vlad Tanasescu, all Ph.D. students in KMi for winning prizes for their mini projects at this year’s Semantic Web Summer school held last week in Cercedilla, Spain. At the summer school 50 of the best Semantic Web Ph.D. students from across the world carry out projects over the…

Semantic Web Services and Business Presentation to Telefnica

Last week saw John Domingue give a presentation on how Semantic Web Services could be applied to business at the Telefónica headquarters in Madrid. Telefónica is one of the world’s leading telecom companies, with a presence in Europe, Africa, and Latin America, a total of 196 million customers and a total worth of around 100…


March 2007 saw KMi host a project meeting for the SUPER Integrated Project with more than 60 participants from industry and academia. SUPER aims to develop a technological platform to support the management of business processes in a scalable and semantically interoperable manner. On the agenda were discussions on: the SUPER process modelling ontology stack,…

Stefania and Alessio are Getting Married

Today KMi celebrated the forthcoming marriage of Stefania Galizia and Alessio Gugliotta. The first ever wedding between two KMi members. Their wedding will actually take place in just over one week’s time in Calabria, Italy where Stefania grew up. Both Stefania and Alessio are Research Fellows in KMi working on Semantic Web Services within the…

Glowing Final Review Report for DIP

Last week a glowing final review report arrived for DIP the 3-year 16M Euro Integrated Project on Semantic Web Services. Although we have reported earlier that the final review had been a success it is unusual for an official EU document to be so full of praise. In the words of KMi’s Director, Enrico Motta:…

DIP: a 16M Euro Flagship Semantic Web Services Project

Yesterday saw the conclusion to DIP, the 3-year 16M Euro Integrated Project on Semantic Web Services with the final review. According to the project funders, the EU commission, the endeavour has been an outstanding success. Concluding the final review the EU Project Officer Kai Tullius stated: “DIP is a flagship project which will serve as…

New KMi Book on Semantic Web Services

Today sees the publication of a new KMi book "Enabling Semantic Web Services: The Web Service Modelling Ontology". The Web Service Modelling Ontology (WSMO) is the leading European semantic characterisation of Web Services with substantial impact. In particular, WSMO provides the conceptual foundation for a dozen European projects with a combined budget of over £50…

KMi Semantic GIS System wins Scripting Challenge at ESWC 2006

KMi Semantic GIS system won the Scripting Challenge at the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2006). The system was created by Vlad Tanasescu, Alessio Gugliotta and John Domingue in collaboration with partners at Essex County Council and BT Research Labs in Martlesham and supports council planners dealing with severe weather emergencies. Using KMi’s semantic web…

DARPA Best Paper Prize awarded to KMi Researcher

Roxana Belecheanu a Research Fellow in KMi has just accepted the "Best Industrial and Applied Paper" award from DARPA. The award was given to Roxana for her paper "Commercial Applications of Agents: Lessons, Experiences and Challenges" presented at the Fifth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS06) in Hakodate, Japan. Co-written with her…

DIP Review an Overwhelming Success

DIP is a 3-year 11 million UKP EU Integrated Project, on semantic web services, involving 16 partners from 10 countries. Like most EU projects DIP is subject to a two day annual review involving three external reviewers and a project officer from the funding unit. DIP’s second annual review was held last week in the…