Chris Valentine and Peter Scott have spent this week in Helsinki at a major project meeting of the WebCEF initiative – working on systems for interactive language learning and assessment. WebCEF enables the collaborative assessment of oral language proficiency through a web-based environment. As a language learner or language teacher you can evaluate your own video and audio samples together with colleagues and peers across Europe. The assessment is based on the descriptors of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF).
KMi are the lead technical partners in this work, building the interactive systems that let mentors, student and mentors-of-mentors work effectively together. The project allows language learners to let samples of their language performance to be assessed by teachers all over Europe. Language teachers the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues across Europe and to improve their skills in the use of the CEF scales.
Language researchers to access a vast database of language performance samples and assessments. The WebCEF project runs until September 2009 and is funded under the Socrates – Minerva programme of the European Commission.
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