The two visitors, Sabine Seufert and Dieter Euler, were from the IWp (Institut fur Wirtschaftspadagogik) – which they translate as the Institute of Business Education and Educational Management. Housed within this Institute is the SCIL or Swiss Centre for Innovation in Learning, Sabine is the Executive Director and Dieter is the Academic Director.
The Institute has a particular brief to investigate e-Learning, and held a conference in October 2003 on this subject. They have a strategic alliance with the European Foundation for Management Development to develop a quality management system for accrediting eLearning programmes. This is the purpose of their visit to the OU.
They have other alliances mainly with American institutions – in particular with Stanford University with whom they are investigating how to inspire teaching faculty eLearning use.
St Gall(en) University has faculties of Business Studies, Law, and Social Studies (especially Economics). It is a prestigious and innovating university in Switzerland, and is at the forefront of europeanising its qualifications. It offers Bachelors and Masters degrees in various combinations of the above disciplines (including from January 2005 an MBA in English).
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