Visit From Softcapital

Softcapital are a small company working on the National Measurement System Knowledge Transfer Programme. The NMS involves the major labs working on metrology in this country, e.g. National Physical Laboratory. The KT programme aims to work out how to feed information on practice out into the business community. This type of initiative is apparently being mirrored across these sorts of organisations.

Softcapital have links into the DTi and other government departments as, so they say, a &#39provider&#39 of projects to units which are given broad (vague) targets which they are then expected to meet.

If we worked together, we would first produce a project outline for NPL to bid to DTi. We both have a disinterest in long-term system support.

Visitors were m.d. Mark McNally and project manager Clare Keegan who met with Peter Scott. They were much enthralled by what they saw. Will get back to us in Jan/Feb.

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