Visit by Andrew Herbert of Microsoft

Managing Director of Microsoft Research, UK, Dr Andrew Herbert visited KMi today to view the lab and learn about KMi’s main areas of research: Cognitive and Learning Sciences, Artificial Intelligence & Semantic Technologies, and Multimedia.

Andrew joined Microsoft Research in 2001 as an Assistant Director and in March 2003 he succeeded the founding director, Roger Needham. He was previously a faculty member in the Computer Laboratory at the University of Cambridge, which is where Microsoft Research UK is now based.

Andrew is also a member of the RAE review panel for the OU’s Computing Research Centre (CRC).

Related Links:

KMi News Image 0
John Dominque (right) with Andrew Herbert
KMi News Image 1
Dawei Song (left) demonstrates intelligent image searching
KMi News Image 2
Simon Buckingham Shum (right) shows NASAs use of Compendium


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