Times coverage of Technology @ The Open University

A very neat set of pieces from the UK’s Times Newspaper was published recently, and gives a rounded view of some things happening at the Open University. The Knowledge Media Institute’s work features in a number of these articles in the paper. (The pieces are in the STUDENT section of the Times Online http://www.timesonline.co.uk but of course the top level piece may have changed by the time you read this, so direct links to stories are listed below, and these should not change 😉

Evidently, The KMi Director said something along the lines of : tutors released from the time-consuming lecture grind will be able to spend more time face to face with their students. “The best teachers have always been mentors, helping students to reflect on what they have read.” Which definitely sounds right 😉

The rest of the piece does sound a little more heavy on the “new face of AI” angle than we ould typically have stressed… but it aint a million miles away from KMi semantic web future thinking, and does highlight some very cool new media recommender things we are doing … and very nice to see this public impact of our work.

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The Open University
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Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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