Today marked an exciting day for the OU, Baroness Martha Lane-Fox was installed as our new Chancellor in the Milton Keynes degree ceremony at Milton Keynes theatre. As part of the days celebration’s, KMi were invited to have a stand at the post ceremony showcase at the Walton Hall campus in Milton Keynes.
KMi presented our new pipeline technologies in three broad themes: the future of scholarly knowledge; a future of data; and the future of place.
Our ‘Future Place’ theme is significantly wide-reaching to have had its own stand at this showcase, where it showed the new work of MK:Smart via a future vision of Milton Keynes.
Similarly, on the KMi stand we presented some ‘Place’ themed technology, such as your individual library of texts via interactive eTextBooks; and your own laboratory via ‘webcasting live and interactive’.
The ‘Future Scholar’ theme showcased two projects:
CORE – which is already ‘plugged in’ to the OU’s Open Research Online service (ORO), and represents a vision of the future of open knowledge exchange, as it reads, integrates and shares the world’s open texts;
Rexplore – which maps the changing shape of scholarly disciplines via research people and publications.
The ‘Future Data’ theme showcased three projects:
OUAnalyse – which is creating a dashboard to help us predict and support student success via behavioural data;
OUSocial – which reminds us that ’emotion’ is a key part of any analysis, and indicates how we might mine social spaces for learning-related emotion;
DiscOU – which presents a range of Apps that leverage Linked Data to discover and connect OU resources to the world.
We welcomed to be part of this exceptional occasion for both graduates and the wider OU community!