Today was Stefania Galizia’s last day in KMi. Her ‘KMi Story’ is unique in many respects. First arriving as an intern during her PhD, then after impressing all of us she came back as a Research Fellow to work on the large EU project on Semantic Web Services – DIP. Within this project she worked on Semantic Web Services Choreography (describing how to interact with a Web Service) and on Trust – how to ensure that a discovered Web Services is trusted by the client or user. Her more recent work was within the Living Human Digital Library – a project where she help develop an initial infrastructure to support the creation of an ‘online human’ capturing the complete musculo skeletal system from the whole body level down to the protein level. Along the way she ran tutorials and was Programme Chair for a conference on Internet and Web Applications. Socially, Stefania was at the centre of KMi as well. While here she met and married another KMi Research Fellow Alessio Gugliotta and she recently had a baby. We will greatly miss Stefania and wish her the best in her future endeavours.