This week saw a highly stimulating workshop on how Semantic Technologies could support the Future Internet held in conjunction with the Future Internet Symposium in Berlin. The workshop combined a number of leading players from the semantics arena and from the main areas of the Future Internet, namely from the: Internet of Services, Internet of Things and Media communities. KMi involvement in the workshop was significant through roles on the organising committee (John Domingue), as invited speaker (Carlos Pedrinaci) and through presentations of a number of project which we are involved in (SOA4All, Service Web 3.0 and SmartProducts). The morning began with a Keynote from a senior representative of the European Commission and was followed by presentations on the main research challenges associated with services, sensor networks and web science and the current state-of-the-art as advocated by a number of ongoing high profile European projects. The afternoon was structured around a number of round-table discussions on issues related to context, lightweight semantic descriptions and mobile devices. The final plenary session saw agreement on an action plan to embed semantics within the Future Internet area and to continue to disseminate semantic technologies. Watch this space for further results!
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