Wins Semantic Web Challenge

Beating off eighteen other participants,, project of KMi PhD research student Tom Heath, has just won the Semantic Web Challenge at the sixth International Semantic Web Conference in Busan, Korea. In the words of the SW challenge Chair, Peter Mika, "this was by far the most competitive year, with the highest number of participants ever, and a significant improvement in the quality of the entrants".

The Semantic Web is intended to extend the current human-readable web by encoding some of the resources in a machine-processable format, opening the door to more advanced applications and functionality on the Web. The markup will allow computers improved ability able to search, process, integrate and present the content of these resources in a meaningful, intelligent manner.

The overall objective of the challenge is to apply Semantic Web techniques in building online end-user applications that integrate, combine and deduce information needed to assist users in performing tasks.

Tom said "thanks for the input that many of you [contributors] have made to Revyu over the last year. It’s a really cool outcome (am chuffed to bits, and fairly dazed), and I hope a great reflection on the work that goes on at KMi."

Related Links:

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Tom (right) accepting the award
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The Busan Exhibition and Conference Center
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Tom and Enrico


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