Project: MIAKT

<p>Medical Images & Advanced Knowledge Technologies</p>

First AKT Sponsored Workshop on Semantic Web Services

Yesterday saw 60 researchers from academia and industry come to KMi for the first AKT sponsored workshop on semantic web services. The purpose of the one day workshop was to bring together relevant members of the AKT project and the wider research community associated with semantic web services. Web services are reusable program components which…

Bulgaria, Germany, Japan: The IRS-III Tour Continues

The first week in November will see KMi�s Semantic Web Services infrastructure, IRS-III, presented for the third time as part of a tutorial. Previous tutorials were held in conjunction with the AIMSA (Artificial Intelligence, Methods, Systems and Applications) conference in Varna, Bulgaria, and in conjunction with the NetObjectDays conference in Erfurt, Germany. In these full-day…