Person: Vaclav Bayer

<p>Vaclav Bayer</p>

New EDI Learning Analytics Dashboard Paves the Way for Greater Inclusivity in Higher Education

Journal article screenshot

In a groundbreaking study published in the prestigious British Journal of Educational Technologies, KMi researchers have introduced a cutting-edge Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Learning Analytics (LA) dashboard designed to tackle awarding gaps in higher education. This innovative tool, co-created with diverse educational stakeholders, aims to transform how institutions across the UK, including the Open…

OU’s Early Alert Indicators Dashboard (EAID) earns High Commendation at HESPA awards

The OU has been highly commended at the Higher Education Strategic Planners Association (HESPA) Awards for its innovative use of data to enhance student success. The institution’s pioneering project, the Early Alert Indicators Dashboard (EAID), popularly known as OU Analyse (OUA), was recognised for its transformative impact on student outcomes in remote learning environments. With over…

The Open University among the four winners of the Prestigious AI Fairness Innovation Challenge

The Open University proudly announces its success in the highly competitive AI Fairness Innovation Challenge delivered by the UK’s Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) and Innovate UK. Out of 75 submissions nationwide, only four were selected for funding, with The Open University emerging as one of the coveted winners. This achievement underscores our…

OU Analyse Team wins prestigious Education Dataset Prize

The OU Analyse team, which works to identify students at the university who may need extra support, has been awarded the prestigious Educational Dataset Prize by the Educational Data Mining Society for their remarkable work with the ‘OULAD’ dataset. OU Analyse is a system powered by machine learning methods for early identification of students at risk of failing….

Vice-Chancellor endorses the EAI Dashboard

The Vice-Chancellor has issued a video message to Associate Lecturers via internal channels to explain the importance of using the Early Alert Indicators Dashboard (EAID).  In his video message, Tim Blackman said: "We want to highlight to you the Early Alert Indicators Dashboard and, if you are not using it, ask you to use it"   Powered by Machine Learning methods, the…

KMi Researchers Take Part in DATATHON AGAINST RACISM

We are an incredibly diverse research lab, with around 20 nationalities within our 60-80 personnel. KMi’s Joseph Kwarteng, Angel Pavon-Perez, Martino Mensio, and Paula Reyero-Lobo competed in a challenge to build a model that can detect racist language over text messages, against 9 other teams. The Datathon was hosted by BCN Analytics, and kicked off…

A spotlight on Vaclav: OUAnalyse

This week the spotlight shines on Vaclav Bayer who is a Full-Stack Developer in our Learning Analytics Team.  Watch this video to hear Vaclav explaining his work. What can you tell us about your research?  UniversitiesUK and AdvanceHE reports show a 13% degree-awarding gap for Black, Asian and Minority ethnicity students in the UK. Similar issues…

Investigating Learning Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Milton Keynes, UK: Along with other colleagues at the OU, Ruhr- Universität Bochum in Germany, Carnegie Mellon University in the USA, EPFL in Switzerland and Diversync Limited in the UK, KMi will be hosting a workshop at the annual European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) on the subject of learning technologies for Equality, Diversity…