Person: Trevor Collins

<p>Trevor Collins</p>

A busy day for KMi at Open Unlimited

KMi staff demonstrated a wide range of projects to visitors at this weekend’s Open University "Open Unlimited event" when the university threw open its doors to the public, friends, students and staff. The KMi stalls were kept busy all day with a steady flow of visitors interested to find out what we’re up to. KMi…

Enabling Remote Activities project wins OU Teaching Award

The Enabling Remote Activities (ERA) project was awarded an OU Teaching Award today at the opening ceremony of the Making Connections Conference. The ERA project is exploring how mobile technologies can be used to support remote fieldwork and involves collaboration between KMi, the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and the Disabled Students Services office….

KMi hosts EG2KM project workshop

KMi are hosting a party of four delegates from the EU supported EG2KM project (eGovernance Enhancement via Knowledge Management) led by the Vice Chancellor of the Open University of Malaysia, Professor Anuwar Ali. Professor Ali, Repin Ibrahim, Leong Kin Mun and Kelly Quek are participating in the EG2KM workshop organised by Zdenek Zdrahal. As part…

Bletchley Park Text launched

Bletchley Park Director Christine Large and Open University Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) Dr. Paul Clark launched the Bletchley Park Text service on Tuesday 24th May, along with some Year 3 and 4 pupils from Cold Harbour C of E School in Bletchley. Over 150 historical subject headings, relating to Bletchley Park, are displayed throughout the…

UK Net Boss Checks KMi Schools

Hilary Baxter, the new Business Director for UKERNA (provider JANET, the UK’s education and research network), visited today to discuss the pioneering work KMi has undertaken with local schools. Baxter’s team undertakes “account management of JANET within HE, FE, Adult & Community Learning, Specialist Colleges and possibly schools in the future.” KMi initiated the…

Best Paper Award for KMi Student

Trevor Collins, a final year PhD student in KMi, has won the ‘Best Student Paper Award’ at this year’s IEEE World Congress On Computational Intelligence held in Anchorage, Alaska (May 4-9, 1998). This congress is made up of three conferences on: Evolutionary Computation, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems. Trevor won his award for his paper…