Person: Peter Scott

<p>Peter Scott</p>

Professional Training Facts 06

Stuttgart, Germany (14-15/11/06) saw the second PTF conference focusing on supporting companies interested in innovations in professional learning. Yet again the Prolearn Network of Excellence helped draw together an international community committed to supporting the transfer of knowledge between practitioners and academics. The conference is coordinated by the Fraunhofer IAO in Stuttgart, Germany, under the…

FlashMeeting 3.0 Released

The newest version of FlashMeeting, version 3.0 is now live on the core research server. This version introduces the concept of "signing-in" to an event to unlock new features. The applet keeps a tight hold of the lightest possible principle, in that users can still just come to an event as a web url and…

The first European Conference on TEL

The first EC-TEL European conference on Technology Enhance Learning was held recently in Crete, Greece. The conference was organized by the EU Network of Excellent Prolearn and the ProLC Cluster of EU projects. Two days of Workshops was followed by two days of Conference sessions and rounded off by two more days of EU project…

KMi Keynote: i-Know 2006, Graz Austria

The 6th International I-Know Conference, in Graz Austria is the premier venue for Knowledge Management research. This year the 3 day event was packed with presentations and workshops on the state of knowledge work, knowledge management and knowledge media. Prolearn was, of course, a very strong presence at this event. But the new projects like…

Prolearn Summer School 2006

This years “jewel in the crown” of the Prolearn Network of Excellence, the Summer School, was in Bled Slovenia June 5-9 2006. This hugely successful event attracts top European students of Technology Enhanced Professional Learning. This year&#39s event was unusual in a number of ways… See the guy in the front of the raft with…

A Royal Flash

Whilst opening the new £6 million Queen Mother Research Centre for Applied Computing in Dundee Scotland, Princess Anne was invited in to her first worldwide “school” FlashMeeting. Looking on, only slightly bemused, she participated in a three way conference between Dundee, Bogota and Canada. According to Dr Nick Hine, who is coordinating the Scottish FlashMeeting…

Nobel Summit on ICT and public services

Peter Scott attended the Public Services Summit in Stockholm, during Nobel Week 2005. The theme this year was Responsive, Citizen Centered Public Services. The event was hosted by the City of Stockholm and Cisco Systems Thursday 8 December – Sunday 11 December 2005. The Nobel Week Summit provides an unusual venue to explore the possibilities…

Shell Learning Centre, Rijswijk, The Netherlands

Just come back from a great visit to the Shell Learning Centre Rijswijk, near the Hague in the Netherlands. The Shell EP Learning team were kind enough to invite me, a team from Corous and a team from a local company to us, Logicom, to see their new centre and to talk about our work….

Learning Management Congress – Munich, Germany

The IMC organization held a congress in Munich 10-11th October 2005. The congress is a large, very Germanic, trade-focused, event which helps companies to think about eLearning and management issues. My keynote to this business audience was on live and streaming media. Before the Congress, the PROLEARN Network of Excellence in professional technology-enhanced learning, held…

Prolearn Summer School 2005, Istanbul Turkey

The first Prolearn Summer School ran from 5th-9th September this year at the Sile campus of Isik University in Turkey. This brand new campus near Istanbul was occupied by hard-working Prolearn Grad Students even before it had seen its first intake of Turkish undergrads! The School was a great success and was very highly regarded…