Person: Mathieu d'Aquin

<p>Mathieu d’Aquin</p>

Strong KMi presence at EKAW 2012

The International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW) is a key event in Europe for the research communities in areas such as ontology engineering, the semantic web, knowledge discovery, knowledge acquisition, etc. KMi has a long history of contributions to the conference and, again this year, KMi had a strong presence.   Enrico Motta presented…

The Common Wealth of Learning publishes a report on Linked Data for education, based on KMis experience

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is an intergovernmental organisation including more than 50 independent sovereign states, created to encourage the development and sharing of open learning/distance education knowledge, resources and technologies. Impressed by the work realised in the LUCERO project, by the deployment of (the world’s first university linked data platform), and by the…

SSSW 2012: The Semantic Web Summer School

The 9th European Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web (SSSW 2012) took place from 8 to 14 July in Cercedilla (Spain), confirming the SSSW series as the premiere educational event in the area of semantic technologies. Indeed, despite the decrease in attendance faced by other event organisers in this area (due mostly…

KMi’s Semantic Web Technologies at EUROLAN 2007

Last Friday, Enrico Motta and Mathieu d’Aquin were in Iasi, Romania, for a one-day tutorial at the EUROLAN summer school. The topic of this year’s edition of the summer school was “semantics, opinion and sentiments in text” and the school attracted more than 60 participants, working mainly in the fields of computational linguistics, natural language…

Watson: Elementary Version Released

The first version of Watson, the Gateway to the Semantic Web, has just been made publicly available. Watson is a tool and an infrastructure that aims at supporting the development of a new generation of semantic web applications, which can dynamically select, combine and exploit the growing amount of semantic data and ontologies available online….