Person: Marc Eisenstadt

<p>Marc Eisenstadt</p>

£5M ELeGI Project Begins

March 1st-3rd saw the full gathering in Barcelona of a new EU project in which KMi and the OU Department of Computing are playing a strong role. The project, entitled “European Learning Grid Infrastructure (ELeGI),” comprises 23 partners across Europe, and is worth a combined total of nearly £5M, of which over £300K will come…

Gush = Flash, Jabber, RSS, Conversations, more…

Looks great… in their own words: “This is where the worlds of Instant Messaging and Blogging meet. While you&#39re not checking up on your favorite weblogs, you can start your own IM Blog with Gush Announcements. Share you&#39re thoughts and interests, privately and instantly among your friends. Blog only to certain groups and additionally mark…

HP To Test KMi Mobile Game

Yanna Vogiazou&#39s &#39multiplayer presence&#39 games are nearing a key trial with Hewlett-Packard&#39s Research Lab in Bristol. The game is a stripped down version of a massively-multiplayer &#39city roaming&#39 game envisaged by Yanna and co-designer Bas Raijmakers, simplified for a trial run to test all the gadetry involved. The test version will run on &#39fully-loaded&#39 HP…

HP To Test KMi Mobile Game

Yanna Vogiazou&#39s &#39multiplayer presence&#39 games are nearing a key trial with Hewlett-Packard&#39s Research Lab in Bristol. The game is a stripped down version of a massively-multiplayer &#39city roaming&#39 game envisaged by Yanna and co-designer Bas Raijmakers, simplified for a trial run to test all the gadetry involved. The test version will run on &#39fully-loaded&#39 HP…

BitTorrent: ‘Limitless download scalability’

“Serving large files creates problems of scaling, flash crowds, and reliability. As you grow, they become more central to your business, but your bandwidth costs go up as well. It&#39s a vicious cycle. There is a solution. BitTorrent is a simple software product which addresses all of these problems. The key to cheap file distribution…

German Language Hat-Trick for KMi

Alumni of OU Courses L203 and L231 (the main and &#39top up&#39 courses for the OU Diploma in German) are undertaking a unique 3-way trial of KMi-originated collaboration and group publishing tools (BuddySpace, Rostra, and Lyceum) starting today. The aim of the project, led by Klaus-Dieter Rossade from the Department of Languages, is to push…

EC Harris BuddySpace / Compendium / More?

Very interesting session today… Eric Ostrowski of EC Harris (, a consulting / knowledge brokering firm (my term, not theirs), that works extensively with (for example) the building trade, doing a lot of valuable knowledge capture (e.g. deep tradeoffs involved in building short-squat vs skinny-tall for identical cubic footage… SEE SECOND URL BELOW). Eric had…

UK Net Boss Checks KMi Schools

Hilary Baxter, the new Business Director for UKERNA (provider JANET, the UK’s education and research network), visited today to discuss the pioneering work KMi has undertaken with local schools. Baxter’s team undertakes “account management of JANET within HE, FE, Adult & Community Learning, Specialist Colleges and possibly schools in the future.” KMi initiated the…

Hilary Baxter, UKERNA Business Director

Full story at link below… would be cool if I could create an entry here automatically (it&#39s got a &#39visitor&#39 tag in the original.. that should be sufficient) without having to post the story twice… 3 times if you count an entry.. Related Links: See original KMi Planet story here

Dr. Mancini!

KMi postgraduate student Clara Mancini successfully defended her doctoral dissertation during a thesis viva today. She has been recommended for the award of a Ph.D. after minor revisions. Clara&#39s thesis, entitled &#39Towards Cinematic Hypertext&#39, breaks new ground in probing the very nature of coherence in hypertext, using the notion of &#39cognitive coherence relations&#39, and look…