Person: Lewis McCann

<p>Lewis McCann</p>

KMi Hosts Timescapes Meeting

Today the KMi Access Grid Node was used for its first live session, using the two LCD screens on the east wall of the Media Lab. Access Grid is a full duplex audio/video conferencing system supported on JANET network by the University of Manchester. The Timescapes AG meeting involved 18 participants from the following universities:…

Science Nominates ERA Project for OUTA

The Faculty of Science have chosen the ERA (Enabling Remote Activity) project as their nomination for the annual Open University Teaching Awards. Jessia Bartlett of Earth Sciences asked KMi members Lewis McCann and Chris Valentine, together with Phd student Mark Gaved, to lend technical expertise to the problem of involving disabled students in summer school…

Kathleen chased by an Elephant!

Kathleen, former OU Telephonist and wife of Lewis McCann, a member of the KMi IT Support Team, is featured on the BBC Family History website as part of the new BBC 2 Series, Who Do You Think You Are?, starting BBC 2 Tuesday 12th October, 9:00 pm. The series features celebrities researching their family trees,…

Kathleen chosen by BBC.

Kathleen, wife of Lewis McCann, a member of the KMi IT Support team has been chosen by the BBC to take part in a Digital Story Workshop. The free five day Workshop will take place in Kents Hill the week beginning 5th September. At the end of the workshop Kathleen will have produced a two…